PvP Update Announced..

Discussion in 'PVP Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Ayaka, Jun 14, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Ayaka Guest

    Community News wrote:
    June 13th, 2012

    Thoughts? I want to see a set date, to be honest.. 2 more weeks left of June. We'll see.
  2. ARCHIVED-japanfour Guest

    I will believe it when I see a set date as well
  3. ARCHIVED-Mythiadakis Guest

    I'm happy to hear of this change. I'm fairly new to the server, I started 2 months ago and have a level 92 swash and a 91 Warden. ( I transferred the Warden ). I've been really disappointed with what I guess is PVP but is more like ganking people. It got really bad once I started questing in Withered Lands. I have no problem losing a fight but it does start to get old to be farmed by people that clearly have better gear and nothing better to do but grief people. I tend to die in one round and I'm usually dead before I even notice them.
    Now I don't need to hear the kind of attacks that seem to be common in this forum from those that like to act like they're PVP pro's. Like I said, I'm new to the server but certainly not PVP. I will admit that my gear sucks, I'm just wearing the quest gear from the Great Divide and WL. I don't have a problem with working towards getting gear but if you're one of these idiots farming/griefing people in WL, knowing full well that you have way better gear but still decide to one round new people, Thank you... thanks for killing this server. People are not going to tolerate being farmed once they hit 90 and It's probably why I never see anyone leveling out there. The only people I seem to run into are these obvously bored people just looking to farm/grief new 90's.
    I really hope this change to gear can really turn around what I feel is a dead pvp server that was caused by an obvious gear disparity.
    Let the flames begin
    One final thought, if you haven't tried GW's 2 yet, you really should. The PVP in that game, so far, has been top notch.
    ***edited for clarity
  4. ARCHIVED-razu Guest

    Mythiadakis wrote:
    If there was no pvp gear right now, you would be still be getting killed by people in raid gear while you are questing. Yes, you have been killed by people who have been on the server longer, working on their pvp gear. What is the point of having worked on pvp gear, and not going out into contested zones to kill players? Guess what, when you are trying to farm faction in contested Skyshrine, you are going to get rolled by raid guilds, but that is not pvp either because they are better geared than you right? If you want a safe, risk free place to play. Go to a pve server, and do BGs, because I'm afraid you are in for a big surprise, if you think you're going to excel at pvp right away with this new update. It's like anything else in a MMO, basic mechanics. A more progressed character in gear, will always have an advantage over somebody who has not put in the same amount of time.
    P.S It's not being bored, it is having a pvp progressed character, and enjoying the work invested, aka.. killing other players.
  5. ARCHIVED-Mythiadakis Guest

    And away we roll, thanks for the flame.
    Your argument makes perfect sense if you want 5 people left on the server. Like I said, I'm not new to PVP. Most true PVP players want an even ground in PVP, they don't roam lower level zone looking for people to gank. Apparently, in this game/server so many good PVP players have fled the server that the only ones left are PVP gankers.
    [Edited for trolling. Please review the forum guidelines.]
  6. ARCHIVED-Plaguemeister Guest

    "Also, PvE armor will be effective in PvP again so everyone can easily jump into Battlegrounds without becoming squishy, and PvP players won't need an extra set of armor or be vulnerable while adventuring on the Nagafen server."
    PLEASE DO NOT jerk our chain like you did with the "sick pvp update for GU63." Give us a date and a head on a platter this time if it does not occur.
    Thank you for at least saying your opening all gear to us again.
    Looks like they might just add pvp crit mit to pve gear. That is most likely the simple solution for them. All armor should have always been usable like TSO so hope going forward this is a two way street. Looking forward to seeing if all blue stats are going to be useable in pvp or if they are going to be modified on the pvp stat tab. The blue stats will be the real issue and it will be interesting to see what, if any, thought has gone into solving the potential problem with them that they present in pvp combat of if they are just going to open the food gates and let the pieces land where they land.
    I know some people are in favor of full blue stat use but personally I think that as stats are approaching and passing 300 CB/Pot, 600+MA, 60%+ flurry is going to be really "stellar" for the game with the current pvp damage reduction math calculations.
    @the previous guy gettign farmed: Deal with it. We have all been there on mains/alts at one time or another and you will get your day in the sun too when properly geared/AA'd and in a proper pvp grp - ESPECIALLY s a warden which is by far a beast pvp healer.
    Farming you is not what killed the server. Many people killing you in the open are doing so because there are rarely other options these days. Allowing people to grind max aa in instances on double xp weekends is why your out there alone. Personally double xp should not exist inside instances on Nagafen imo. Instead there should be double or triple quest XP and negative instance xp over time - that would get toons out into the open seeking their lvls and AA xp in the open world. Next lvl cap/AA cap raise devs need to seriously consider the impact of instanced xp on Nagafen. Yes I use instances too on some alts - its faster - I hate it but its where the most bang for the buck is. I'd prefer to be out in the wild on all my toons not just my mains seekign quest xp like in the long long ago.
  7. ARCHIVED-Mythiadakis Guest

    I'm giving you a new player perspective. It may be your view that it didn't kill the server, but I'm not alone. I have a group that I PVP with and we're all new to the server and are about to give up. The community on this server is very hostile to new players and appear to be more concerned with telling people leave their server then discuss the issues. Almost every post in these forums have someone yelling down someone and telling them to go to a "care bear" "blue" server.
    I've been holding off posting about these issues for weeks... but thought I would finally jump in and see if a conversation could start. But apparently not, the first post from someone is telling me to leave the server. just classic... you guys are giving EQ a good name.
  8. ARCHIVED-Balrok Guest

    Mythiadakis wrote:
    Welome.. I hope you and your group stay and "progress" at PvP. Getting griefed over and over again while you progress is part of the growing pains on a PvP server. Not flaming you at all... just telling you how it is and should be. Be a stubborn mule and revive and go again.. and again and again. Out will these "griefers", as it will make you a better player in the end.
    They're also not really griefing you do be idiots. To progress a PvP character, you need PvP gear atm. This requires Discord faction.... and a ton of it... which involves killing other characters. There's also a fame dealio they are rewarded as well. Doesn't matter if it's a fair fight, the rewards are the same. It's kind of the point.
    PVP Server/Forums: Imagine a tank full of sharks. You enter. You are not a shark.... Yet!
    imho.. if you have something solid to post, the community backs you. If you don't, you get flamed... that just how forums relating to PvP are.
  9. ARCHIVED-Mythiadakis Guest

    wow, that was the nicest post I've read on these forums.
    Again, I'm used to getting ganked but in this game it really stands out. The difference in stats is obviously ubsurd, I hope you would admit that.
    I have the MC PVP gear on my swash... really made no difference because of the adorns necessary I'm being told. Again, new to how this all functions.
    I'm an old timer, I've been around playing for over 20 years. I started on MUDS where it was open PVP on anyone. But, the community was small and if you went around griefing/ganking people you had no friends... except a few other gankers on the server. What happened to most of them? we converted them by ganking them back anywhere and everywhere until a truce was made. so.. what I'm suggesting to you old bitter and grizzled players... recognize that you are shooting yourself in the foot by griefing players. Have a little respect even if they're from another faction. I'm seeing a lot of people complaining about a dying server... and I've experienced it... totally empty zones/dungeons. You all might want to think about why that might be. Yes the mechanics have issues, but I've seen good communities band together and create a fun/fair battles that both sides enjoyed to participate in.
    I know this is all in vain, the younger crowd doesn't seem to [Edit], but it's pretty sad to see with such a good game. we won't be sticking around in the long run, [Edit]
    [Edited for bypassing the filter and being off-topic.]
  10. ARCHIVED-razu Guest

    Mythiadakis wrote:
    Well, you started your conversation off by calling pvpers "idiots" who are "obviously bored." So you come into the pvp forums, complaining about being killed by players, calling them idiots, but expect no negative response? I'm not sure what games you have played with open world pvp, but every MMO with an open world pvp ruleset server I have ever played, you have had to deal with being ganked in a variety of situations (questing, contested dungeon content, running from one side of the map to the other) including EQ2, since pvp launched with KOS. I was suggesting you go to a pve server, because you are disillusioned to think you will not get ganked while questing, just because they remove pvp armor. You are still going to deal with people better geared than you, and your group is still going to get ganked. Try not attacking the community, just because your group is getting killed and are about to give up (boo hoo), and perhaps you will not be met with hostility in the future.
  11. ARCHIVED-Balrok Guest

    PvP and Skyshrine gear is currently pretty much broke. No one will deny that. The MC PvP gear you have "use to" help. With any "luck" the next update will help.
    Just keep this in mind:
    1. You're playing the game in a broken PvP state atm.
    2. The game rewards you for killing people.
    I'm not really sure what you want people to do when they run across a player they're "suppose" to kill.
    Do the same thing you did in that very old game you played... get good and grief the griefers. The problem atm for you is you're not good.
  12. ARCHIVED-Mythiadakis Guest

    the "idiots" I was referring to are gankers. If the shoe fits, well then I guess it fits. if this doesn apply to you Razu, then you can ignore it. I wasn't calling everyone in the community idiots, that is what you would call a straw man argument you made and you're showing a real lack of reading comprehension.
    You're pointing out exactly what I'm saying, the gear is broken and people are using it to grief other players.
    "I'm not really sure what you want people to do when they run across a player they're "suppose" to kill. "
    Now that we've established that the gear is broken I would expect people to not use the broken gear to cheat. Cause essentially what you're saying is that it's okay to farm people for your little token/faction so that you too can exploit a broken system. even though I've already established that they're obviously already using said broken gear since I die in one round. So why are they ganking me again? So they can get tokens/faction that they already have? ok.. makes sense.
    in my "very old game", you didn't have ubsurd gear like today, it didn't exist. You got the gear you got. the game was more about the community and having a good time. If there was an exploit, sure kids tried to abuse it, but we could ban their account for doing so (after many warnings).
    so, to re-cap
    We know the gear is broken and really is like fighting someone who is level 1 if they don't have it. People are actively rolling around 90 zones ganking people to get the same gear that they already have to stop other people from advancing in the game.
    Back to my original point, it may be why the server is a ghost town.
  13. ARCHIVED-razu Guest

    Mythiadakis wrote:
    Your logic is outstanding. So let me ask you something, if you progress your character to the point you can be competitive, are you not going to kill other players? If you one shot someone, are you going to feel guilty about it? Are you going to ask someone if they are wearing decent gear before you attack them? People are not rolling around killing you, so you cannot advance, they are killing you because it is a pvp server, and that is what happens. Players kill other players, when the rule set of that server allows it to happen, it is not a difficult concept to understand.
    Am I a ganker? Absolutely. I will attempt to kill a player in any contested zone that will allow me to attack them, from Withered Lands to Skyshrine to Freeport to Qeynos. That is one of the goals on a pvp server, to kill other players. I rotate through contested zones looking for targets not on my recent list, sometimes I find questers, sometimes I find other geared pvpers (sometimes I one shot, sometimes it is a long intense fight, sometimes I die). Yes, I have max Discord faction, a full set of Discord gear, and some key pve pieces that help in pvp. Now that I have all of that, I'm not supposed to kill other players, because it would be cheating, because they are not geared? It makes a ton of sense to work on a character, max it out, then not use it for the intended purpose, because it may not be fair to those who are not as progressed.
    The server has declined in population, not because of people getting ganked (again, that is the point), it has declined because of the negative changes to pvp, lack of any real updates in years, and people who do not have thick enough skin to handle it, and constantly cry and complain (see your original post). Honestly, I doubt you can handle pvp on Nagafen no matter what changes or updates are made. You strike me as a classic "it is not fair"whiner. Enjoy GW2.
  14. ARCHIVED-Sasquatch Guest

    I have pvp gear on all my toons. I have spent hours and hours of time pvping and spent thousands of tokens on pvp gear. I dont raid and rarely pve. So will i be reimbursed in anyway shape or form? Or is it a personal problem and i have to deal with it and start to pve in order to pvp?
  15. ARCHIVED-Mythiadakis Guest

    Yes, I never gank. In all of the games, to many to list, I never roll around a zone looking to kill people with lower gear than me to make myself feel strong. I let more people walk away then I attack. If someone is just questing and not doing anything to bother anyone and I'm clearly higher level and would steam roll them, yes Razu, I leave them alone. And I'm not alone, I encountered many people from the other faction that didn't just automatically attack me while I was leveling up. I look for a challenge in the game and if this one doesn't have one, I will move on.
    My "logic" doesn't make sense to you because you obviously enjoy bulling and griefing other players while I dispise that game play. I look for even handed open world battles where they can last for hours. I don't need to kill weaker players to make myself feel good or powerful. It's really sad that gaming has come to this and this attitude is so prevalent.
  16. ARCHIVED-Balrok Guest

    Mythiadakis wrote:
    "to cheat"
    "exploit a broken system"

    The term "broken" to anyone on Nagafen that has PvP'ed for more then 1 month means the DPS is crazy high. It's not balanced for a good PvP combat system.
    Are you seriously suggesting they are cheating or using an exploit? These people you are referring to have earned this gear by the mean SoE has established. They are 1 shotting you cause they have earned the gear and you have not. That is not cheating.. that means they have played longer and focused longer on PvP gear then you. It's not an exploit... you have terrible gear and your getting 1 shotted over and over again for it.
    Yes.. they are ganking you again cause they can and are entitled to more tokens/faction.
    If you don't get this.. it's not cause your old. I'm old too, but from some odd reason I can make sense of all this and you're just mad.
  17. ARCHIVED-Balrok Guest

    quick side note.. I don't spend my days griefing poor new players or questers with no chance of beating me... but if I stroll by one, maybe I don't feel like it and move on... or maybe I kill them cause my faction tells me I should... I go back and forth at times. But you have to realize "you" are a walking treasure chest. If I don't kill you in passing, I'm losing:

    1. % of your gold/plat
    2. Discord faction I may still need.
    3. A PvP writ update (gold, faction and Discord faction rewards)
    How can you really complain about getting killed by someone in superior gear when SoE is rewarding players for doing so. This is actually why we are playing on a PvP server. Faction vs Faction.. it's not FFA were you pick and choose targets based on whether you like them or not.. or want to be noble or a nice guy. It's the other faction.. they are suppose to be killed on sight.
    enjoy the game bud and stop stressing over it.
  18. ARCHIVED-Mythiadakis Guest

    " the DPS is crazy high. It's not balanced for a good PvP combat system."
    you just made my point.
  19. ARCHIVED-Plaguemeister Guest

    Exur asked a very legitamate question. What do you expect people to do, stroll up and ask you your gear level. While out and about one has no clue what the other toon is geared like unless their name is known to them and they have fought before - often I might add. We are using the gear becuase this is the gear we ahve been given. In many cases we ahve not been given anything new for 1.5-2 years. We are not cheating. Its the gear set common to this server.
    Just like you cannot expect to walk inot a HM raid with your quested gear you cannot expect a "fair" fight w/o progressing the gear set on the server. You can do this through 1.) Open world PVP writs or 2.) BG gear.
    When I am out on my alt I EXPECT to get attacked (ganked as you put it) and I try to be ready for it when ever possible, especially on lessor geared toons. Most people will roll a quester no more than 1x every writ update period and most won't share knowledge of a questor for the very reason you stated - we do not want people chasing them off.
    Your gonna get farmed and your gonna get killed on Nagafen because you, me, anyone else that has responded to you, we are all just PVP updates waiting to happen. WE are the real mobs on Nagafen - the silly digital blips just add flavor to the game. We are the hunters and the prey. The only thing that matters is what you are doing to prevent yourself from being an update. Do you
    1.) Work as part of a group in vent or voice chat.
    a.) Grouping is going to increase your ability to overcome a better geared player. A healer in MC gear can survive an initial onslaught by any scout - I know this becuase my inqy is wearing only MC PVP gear andan older fear proc earring and he can survive, or at elast put up a fight, when out questing.
    2.) Currently use at least pvp MC gear and adorn it as you can with crit mit/pot/cb adorns as your class dictates.
    3.) Have all cures readilly accessible on a hot bar.
    4.) Have Signets and CC pots readily avail on your HB to make yourself immunie, give you power, heal you etc.
    5.) Are your weapons adorned with mending/blasting adorns for PVP.
    6.) Learn something from every fight - read back over the combat log - see what you were hit with etc.
  20. ARCHIVED-Ayaka Guest

    Mythiadakis wrote:
    I'm really not sure if you know what game you're playing. If a player needs your update/faction to get a new piece of gear, they will go for you, steamroll or not. It's not a carebear system where I'm going to be looking up your gear before I engage and make sure, in your terms, i'm not "trolling/exploiting/cheating" by killing you.
    Man up, it's a PvP server. Don't expect that someone is going to be nice to you.