PSA: Shadeweave Buds level gathering!

Discussion in 'Tradeskills' started by Rocketjones, Jul 14, 2017.

  1. Rocketjones Active Member

    Naneeje likes this.
  2. Naneeje Well-Known Member

    I strongly recommend not using this as a leveling tool :)
  3. Rocketjones Active Member

    Sike, 319/500 :(, got a shadowstone ore...
  4. Semperfifofum Well-Known Member

    Um so what? Quest goal items also sometimes level gathering. Maybe I don't understand what you mean by PSA.
    Finora likes this.
  5. Finora Well-Known Member

    Pretty ineffective way to get gathering up.

    Much quicker to go somewhere there's a quicker respawn of many more shrub/root nodes and harvest those.
    Crastinal, Prissetta and Mermut like this.
  6. The_Real_Wurm Well-Known Member

    PSA: That's a really good way to annoy your fellow players and even get reported.
  7. Rocketjones Active Member

    PSA=Public Service Announcement.
    I posted this before I hit 319/500 and gathered from a shadeweave bud node. It is a pretty effective way to level up gathering considering I was working on the crafting timeline and I did not have to run across a zone gathering. Also, if you happen to find a node off the beaten path, there's a 98.687% chance no one will find it and you can stand in one spot spamming dem gathering level ups.
    Annoy you by harvesting? Lol?
  8. The_Real_Wurm Well-Known Member

    Yes people standing for hours on end (usually using a macro while afk) leveling their gathering in OF on the shadeweave buds was something people did get reported and temp banned for.
    Crastinal and Prissetta like this.
  9. Xianthia Well-Known Member

    To add to this, it is one of the reasons that the shadeweave was changed to only be seen by folks who had the prestige TS AA. Still you find someone who does this. It was terrible at the start of the expac since the rares were needed. I'd guess now since folks have had their in-home shadeweave bud it's less of a thorn in the side to find someone just leveling up on a node.
  10. ConcealFate Well-Known Member

    Do the shade weave buds occur across the zone or only specific areas? So far I have only found them around the main area where the Bloody Tooth goblins are.

    Also, of the buds I have harvested in zone and on houseplant I have yet to get a root. Are they more rare than the others or am I just unlucky?
  11. Rocketjones Active Member

    I was not aware. Although, I'm not a macro kind of player except for maybe /raidsay etc. But yeah, that's news to me. After a year break, I've only been back in game maybe a month.
    Yeah, I had someone come up and harvest several nodes out from under me. I don't blame them at all, considering some of the rares go for 4000+ plat on maj'dul. I mean, who doesn't want more plat?
  12. Rocketjones Active Member

    I've harvested shadeweave buds in the nye'caelona gardens. I agree they mainly spawn in the twark area. I have like 3-4x less roots, so yeah they're kind of rare*.
  13. Svenone Well-Known Member

    I personally only found the buds in the area around Twark, never in the garden but that is in no way a claim that they never spawn there. As far as different levels of rarity, I never noticed any difference between the 6 options. I guess now I will have to log in and go check! lol

    My harvest depot currently contains: (I have 9 house buds supplying my needs)
    shadowstone ore 174
    shadow quart 144
    shadeweave root 139
    shadebark 186
    luclinite nodule 178
    leathery shadeleaf 124

    While 3 of them seem to have a significantly lower amount (124, 139, 144) from the other 3 (178, 186, 174), I have done some crafting of spells and cloth/leather armor, so overall the numbers seem about even.
    Prissetta likes this.
  14. ConcealFate Well-Known Member

    you must have a lot of needs lol. I could use some jewelry ;)
  15. Crastinal Active Member

    I can't decide what's more efficient: camping random buds in the end game area that take up to 30 minutes to respawn each, or doing the whole tradeskill epic questline in order to get the home version and gather once every 24 hours. All that, mind you, having absolutely no control on what you're gathering! Oooh, so much efficiency, let me sit in OF for the next 6 hours instead of literally getting twice as much harvest experience in Thalumbra or Tranquil Sea during the same time frame! Oooooh! You really mastered the game you! /NOT
  16. The_Real_Wurm Well-Known Member

    The bud is not the best reward, the increased harvesting speed is.

    And if I was going to use a shadebud to level my gathering I'd set up a macro and then go watch a movie on my second screen.
    Mermut likes this.
  17. Rocketjones Active Member

    The increased harvesting speed is so dope.
    Shmogre likes this.
  18. Melkior Well-Known Member

    The TS line only takes a couple hours to complete. Do that on multiple toons, and you'll soon have all the rares you need. Way more efficient than waiting 30 min on a pop.

    In general I always run around OF with my Harvestable tracking up. I will often find ones up as I do key quests, or other things. Buds definitely spawn well outside Twark, but I've never found any further south than the entrance to the Wurmscale barrens area.
  19. Zharxian Member

    The quickest way I know to level gathering is to be level 100 crafter and go on the grandmaster cloak quest... When you are in the spire and have to get the special ore, just keep clicking the node. Before you know it, you are at 500/500
    Prissetta and Snikkety like this.