Progression Servers Inc

Discussion in 'Expansions and Adventure Packs' started by ARCHIVED-Xalmat, Mar 18, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    I could see it taking 3 months to develop and 1 month to unlock everything. I hope I'm wrong.
  2. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    This is the same thing that eq1 did and at the same time in game age iirc.
    Heck they didnt even have the same code to revert back to original game so dont think its possible.
    Now if you revert back to original you are taking out new citys,new races,new racial abilitys,guild halls,house on and so forth.
    Imo there is no original game left and all that it would be is the current game just with a lock on the next tier until some acomplishments are met.
    All heroric dungeon bosses killed
    All instance raid bosses killed
    All contested raid mobs dead
    The major quest story line completed.
    So umm yeah couple weeks and t6 would be unlocked.
  3. ARCHIVED-Khurghan Guest

    Hmm seeing as how badly the EQ1 progression servers bombed ...
  4. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    Khurghan wrote:
    Yep people expected the original game and that was not possible ...same would apply here also.To many things have changed to ever go back to original format.
    What happened there would happen here and after 3 months the server would be a regular server....or even worse a waste because its a dead server.
    People are just prime for dissapointment with the expectations they have for things like this.
  5. ARCHIVED-Wilde_Night Guest

    If they somehow put a timed restriction on when the next progression can be unlocked, this could be more of a success. Maybe do it similar to how we got it in the first place. Prismatics in at start, Frogloks introduced a month later, then Bloodlines, Splitpaw, etc. Have it so the players can accomplish and unlock, but if they unlock it too soon, they still have to wait for the planned patch or whatnot to go it to make it available.
    Or else the server will be beat in less than 6 months and then the players are crying for something new to do.
    Edit - And personally, I would actually play on an original code server, max level 50. Not only for nostalgia, but for the danger and difficulty that existed back then. I really do miss some of the danger, access quests and other time sinks we once had.
  6. ARCHIVED-celestina936 Guest

    Bigron@Unrest wrote:
    I would be over in a NY sec - just like chrono and mentoring - neither really puts you back at that level, despite what it says. When I was lvl 55, I chrono back to lvl 25 to do FG, which I missed cause I leveled too fast, I sliced through the content very quickly with only one death - and that was because I wasn't paying attention. It just wasn't fun. Haven't bothered with chrono since.
  7. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    Xalmat wrote:
    It'd last like a month, if that.
  8. ARCHIVED-Froed2004 Guest

    Like everyone else is saying, it'd be over way too quick. There are too many hardcore guilds that would jump all over it, and they'd end up killing everything off as fast as possible to be the first ones to do it, just as they've been doing since the game started. Besides that, while it may sound interesting on paper, it's only good if you're in the initial starting up population. If you miss it at the start, it's just going to end up baing your normal run-of-the-mill server, which we already have way too many of at the moment.
  9. ARCHIVED-Nayawk Guest

    If this to work I really think they would have to go with a time based release shedule rather than a whole hearted unlock/move forward because like many have said it would be all over in a month or two. As for what time limit.. I'd go with half scale. Took us 5 years to get to SF.... will take the progression server 2.5 years to get there. Yes have the original unlocking as you did, zek etc. but the big exspansions are wholey time based and unmovable.
    I'm realistic.. I know they won't use original release code.. but I would love it if they did.
  10. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    They really cant lock tiers on a time release imo.....then you arent really progressing anything you are playing a game that is given content on a time base.That is zero difference then the game we play now except you have artifical blocks in terms of time released content that is already current.
    A time lock is ok like a month maybe but 2.5 years is nothing in terms of "progressing" at all.
  11. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Alvane@Unrest wrote:
    Mentoring/Cronomage even when mentoring was first implemented you where OP vers a new toon at the same level, and back then they didn't scale your spells you accually lost access to all your spells over your mentored level, forcing you to have to remake your hotbars for that level. Once they put in spell scaling, and gave you access to spells you are not supposed to have, mentor/Cronomage became a virtual god mode, and the devs have pritty much admited as much.
    On the other hand a brand new toon with only access to the gear available from the zones implimented at the start of the game, and not the Gorrowin OP stuff, the mobs accually do pose somewhat of a challange, as long as your not in stuff that is balanced againsts the Gorowin gear. That said befor they could even think about a progression server, they would still have to do a difficulty upgrade to the orginal content MoBs to be baised on what players currently have easy access to in terms of armor.
    Lastly, I would support somewhat of a time limiter on stuff, to give events a chance to build up, but not more then say a few weeks for smaller addtions(like adding Unrest after EoF launches), maybe a month for the 3 APs, and say 2 months for the expainsions, as most expainsions had about 2 months of "prep" time prior to them going live in the first place.
    That would cause the server to be near the end of SF about the time Expainsion 7 launches I would think.
  12. ARCHIVED-Nayawk Guest

    Bigron@Unrest wrote:
    yes, but in less than 9 months is bang up to date with every other server and all you have is a low population server thats no more 'progression' that any of the others.
    I could see some kind of population limit thing .. where 90% of the player population needs to hit each tier for the next to be unlocked.. that would promote grouping and a sense of joining as a community to advance...maybe.
  13. ARCHIVED-Dulissa Guest

    One has to wonder where they would get this server. One more thing for Rothgar to "throttle"
  14. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Toressa@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    The old Venekor Hardware /RIP
  15. ARCHIVED-Dulissa Guest

    Ahlana wrote:
    thought that was being used for BG
  16. ARCHIVED-Ahlana Guest

    Toressa@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Nooo they said BG servers were rather newer servers that came from a different game all together that seems to be having wanning numbers. I can think of a few places they could've came from lol as SOE as a whole just seems to be going down the drains as of late all across their board.
  17. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    Ahlana wrote:
  18. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Toressa@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    There was also taking about making servers other then AB more attractive by increasing thier numbers via server mergers, wich would also be a source of some equipment. There are a few servers out there that would benifit from a Merger.
  19. ARCHIVED-Gaige Guest

    The servers can't even handle the population on them, let alone a merged population. 10 second cast lag in Highland is enough, thanks.
  20. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Gaige wrote:
    Not all servers are over populated, or have those issues. Some of them accually do need the help of a server merge.