Problems with The Cleansing of the Bonepile???

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Elquinjena, Jan 5, 2015.

  1. Elquinjena New Member

    I have a Noble Aerakyn level 91 sk, leveled down to 20 and went out twice to do the The Cleansing of the Bonepile so i could complete the The City of Freeport Quest Series. Each time I was able to finish the ring event, and a chest popped each time but would not allow me to loot it. I kept getting you are not eligible to loot anything from this chest.

    is the public quest bonked? is it just bonked for the new race? am I doing something wrong?
  2. I_Like_Passing_Wind New Member

    You are not alone. 97 necro, mentored to 10. Just me and pet (sorta stumbled into the event). Same result--can't complete quest because not allowed to open the chest.

    On the funny side, though, THAT is a really big chest that drops! :p
  3. I_Like_Passing_Wind New Member

    OK, tried again with a merc, and the event completed and the chest could be opened. Also, the apprentice of Dismal Rage depopped then repopped before the event kicked off. One of the two things made it work.