Presite ward Woodward

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Twofeets, Dec 26, 2020.

  1. Twofeets Active Member

    Typeo, Prestige ward.... wish we could edit the title...

    Anyone tested this yet? Just got it, but wondering how effective it is considering bleed-throughs, chaotic leech, etc.
  2. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Chaotic Leech removes a bunch of potency, crit bonus, fervor and ability mod from affecting heals.
  3. Nekre Active Member

    Dont think that quite covered the answer tho. Yes, Woodward is worth having in heroics, typically topping the fury heal parse. Unless ur a class like Mystic/Templar, then you probably dont really care for it unless you want the damage.
  4. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Wards are almost always going to 'parse' higher than other heals because they count first... especially when compared to hots and direct heals that don't 'sit around' waiting to get used.
  5. Nekre Active Member

    Yes, I know this, but your statement did not quite answer what he was asking.
  6. Twofeets Active Member

    Thank you
  7. quisling Well-Known Member

    As a templar that doesnt do all that much for me, but that will make inqs and Druids godlike, it seems.