PQ mobs that spawn adds

Discussion in 'Zones and Populations' started by Mercychalice, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    Could these please be limited towards keeping the adds within the PQ range? For example, in Echo Caverns, I'm getting locked in combat by bloodthirsty needlites from the Bloodletter mob hundreds of meters away from the PQ. Especially if I have no wish to be actively engaged with this mob. It's sending mobs to anyone within the upper ranges of the outside rim of it's area, like up by the tegis or the needlite nests, and chasing me throughout the zone up to 200m away from the main mob, well beyond the PQ range.

    It's continually spawning mobs even though no one is fighting it:
    Argosunited, Obano and Breanna like this.
  2. Mercychalice Well-Known Member

    it seems to be spawning an add any time someone flies through the general area.

    Edit: more info: there was someone dead in the area for probably 10 minutes at least that I know of. I don't know if maybe the person tried fighting it and died, and stayed down for a while, and the PQ didn't register that it should have ended when the person died, and just didn't reset? or if it was just conflicting with someone that was generally dead in their area, regardless of if they were fighting it? not sure on that.
    Breanna likes this.
  3. Chrol Developer

    Will update this PQ so that the adds only spawn nearer to Bloodletter. Also, I believe it was locked in combat with nobody around due to it being rooted the entire fight and having quite a large leash range. Will fix that as well. Thanks!
    Xianthia likes this.