Potentially returning swashie...

Discussion in 'Scouts' started by Barren, Dec 13, 2016.

  1. Barren New Member

    Lousy swash looking to return in the near future. I haven't been around in a year or so to figure out the min/max stufff. As a matter of fact I could barely mash buttons before to get around 100 dps with my auto attack. I'm looking for new numbers and maybe some advice on what the cool swashies are doing these days with AA lines and trees and other fun related stuff for a fella with an I.Q. Some place a little past 70. Thanks in advance and please don't start the Stratton a brig or roll an assasin thing. I've kind of read that before ... lot's of times.

    Thanks in advance,
    Baron Barren
  2. Melt Actually plays the game

    Stack potency, daybreaks new game