Potent Converter for Tank Gear

Discussion in 'Test Server Forum' started by Widem, Apr 16, 2015.

  1. Widem Active Member

    The potent converter token states so and only works on tank gear that has block chance.

    Is this the way it is intended?

    No tank gear with mitigation increase will be able to have potency added?
  2. konofo Active Member

    [Edit: this post is written from a plate-centric view. I have not looked at tankish leather on Beta.]

    The mitigation gear gets potency by default, and remains usable by clerics.

    Because of Shield Ally, it was decided that clerics can't have access to plate with both block chance and potency, and that restriction was important enough to create the converter.


  3. Widem Active Member

    Now that I am back home and checked...I see all mitigation gear was upgraded to have potency.

    Did they say we will be able to choose our gear over? Cuz that is a game changer for leather and plate wearing healers.
  4. Encori Active Member

    Did they test the effect on shield ally?
    And yes, a lot of people are going to want an armor swap merchant, especially if scout mechanics change.
  5. Thand Well-Known Member

    yah since they made up use scout tanks this expansion
  6. Beyoncia Well-Known Member

    I'm trying to recieve any coment for two weeks already.
    I want an armor exchange merchant, and my purple gems to be extracted ofcourse.
  7. Elaiya Member

    Beyoncia I saw you're wearing a few mitigation pieces now - did you get new pieces or use the converter on old?
  8. Sasfer Member

    Where do you exchange block gear for gear with block and POT? I'm assuming its in the new Cellar zone?