posting pics to homeshow forum

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Khiara, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. Khiara Active Member

    Like the title says...I know at one point there was a post detailing how to do this...can we get a 'for dummies' version stickied or reposted?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  2. Khiara Active Member

    Emesh and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  3. Khiara Active Member

    hrm..dbl posted for some reason *sigh*
    Merriel and Uwkete-of-Crushbone like this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    For all I know, there might be something in The Decorator's Resource, which is stickied; the Powers seem to be reluctant to sticky anything these days. :-/

    I'll have a go, but I'm not sure how applicable this will be, since I'm just going off of my own experience. Fair warning. ;->

    Step 1: Get yourself a third-party picture hosting type website, like a Facebook Album or whatever. I like using (it's not actually X-rated [you'll need special permissions to see that stuff :D], that's just what they call it), and the way to post stuff from there is the way I know best. From what I hear, most of the other sites (Imgur, Photobucket, etc.) are easier, but...

    Step 2: Take a screenshot of whatever you want to post here. I like the PrntScrn button on most keyboards.

    Step 3: Open up the screenshot in MS Paint or wherever. Goof around with it in there, trimming extraneous stuff, "centering the shot," whatever. ;-> Save the file (usually .jpg is easiest for most to handle).

    Step 4: Get that to your favorite flavor of picture hosting website and get it Saved, Stored, Published, whatever they call it there.

    Step 5: Open up a post here.

    Step 6: Go back to your storage website and find your published screenshot (aka image). What I do is I right-click on it, which brings up a menu on what all can be done with the image at that point. I select "View Image," which, when clicked on, opens up a new "webpage" with nothing on it but the image and a URL at the top, which is the info the computer uses to know where you're at on the Web (for instance: this topic's URL at the top of this page is:

    Step 7: Copy the URL at the top of your image "webpage."

    Step 8: Come back into your post here and look for a teeny li'l button/icon at the top of the post window, along with the font stuff, the emoticons, etc.; it'll be a small tree in a generic landscape. Click on that.

    Step 9: You'll (eventually; sometimes it's slow) get a little window with Insert Image at the top, a blank line for pasting your image URL into, and a couple of buttons: Insert and Cancel. Once the URL's in there, click on the Insert button.

    Step 10: Voila! Stand back and marvel as your image pops into view! Or curse and grumble, mutter about how "it's THAT big?? Sheesh!", fume about what it's done to any text you might've had in there already, etc. But you can write around it and do just about everything you can do in Word with an inserted image. ;)

    Hope that helped! :)

    Merriel and Emesh like this.