porting at will from losing team to winning team in bg

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-avow, Sep 30, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-avow Guest

    Our non pre-made side will have players, or get players ported in after the game starts, that grab the flag we need, hold on to it, won't plant it, sometimes run around with it, won't answer us, and ensures our side loses, then ports directly over to other side that wins game.
    We watch players on our side port over before game ends to winning side. Sometimes entire groups port over at once and are clearly seen on other side at end of game with winning team.
    Player playing by the rules are being farmed and ripped off. Its such a shame that some pre-mades are not satisfied with using their skills and powerful gear alone to win 99% of the time. tsk tsk tsk.
  2. ARCHIVED-SteelPiston Guest

    avow wrote:
    I don't BG and find this quite funny, although I'm sure it's not funny for the people trying their best to win legitimately.
    It begs the question; why is porting is allowed in BG in the first place?
  3. ARCHIVED-Landiin Guest

    How the heck to you port? I didn't even know this was possible. I can't believe it is even in code, just the thought of allowing this bring visions of griefing and cheating with out much thought.
  4. ARCHIVED-crazyeyes321 Guest

    Are there that few people in bgs during these times that someone can enter a game, grief, log out, and get back into the same match on the opposite side before match duration ends?
  5. ARCHIVED-bardarnit Guest

    crazyeyes321 wrote:
    appearently. my favorite is the raid leader putting all the healers in one group.
  6. ARCHIVED-Hateeternal Guest

    Sounds terrible, why would one do this to themselves?
    Just report the obvious cheaters, /bug the entire case and never touch a bg again until they fix it.
    I wouldn't want to let the cheaters/griefers/gankers feast on me.
  7. ARCHIVED-Davngr1 Guest

    this isn't porting this is more like swapping sides in bg's and devs need to fix this asap. this should be allowed before the match starts to equalize healers/tranks/dps imo but not thru out the match.
  8. ARCHIVED-Ulrichvon Guest

    If there was a BG dev, I'd PM them with how these exploits are done...
  9. ARCHIVED-Astornoth Guest

    I know for fact that there is a command that allows U 2 exit bg w/o geting "chicken" flag.Sony should work on that.However if U play klak w/o healler and U are against pre-made group with 2 then at least one pll should sacrafice and leave so a healer could come and at least give your group theoretical chance.Beter this then waiting at revive spot till the match is over ;).