Portal house published looking for donations

Discussion in 'Testers Only' started by ARCHIVED-Cloudrat, Mar 24, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cloudrat Guest

    In the interest of faster travel and saving people having to load my cluttered house :

    I bought a dojo and put all the travel paintings, a guildhall door, mara plushie , sinking sands orb, orb to stonebrundt, carpet to shimmering citadel and the orb to stonebrundt.
    It is under small homes on the leaderboard named Portals and Guildhall door.
    There are still a few items we would love to add if anyone wants to donate them. The floret to go to kelethin (which if someone has a seed of growth from EM calling can make) the mirror from ToFs and the orb for Ferzhul. Send a tell or in game mail to Cloudrat if you wish to donate Thanks

    Edit to add screenshot:)