Poorly Functioning Jewelry

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Gaealiege, Dec 26, 2013.

  1. Gaealiege Active Member

    Awesome. Thank you very much, Kander!
  2. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    I don't know if this qualifies for this thread, but I was completely underwhelmed with the end-line collection piece: Stone of Detonation. The endline collection takes a lot of work to accomplish, and, well, meh.... It's a neat idea, but the hit is too small to be worth wearing.

    \aITEM 1564169026 -872677995:Stone of Detonation\/a

    Stats are the same as every other fabled charm.

    Clicky is a 500K hit, usable every 30 seconds, usable when casting (sounds good in theory). But if used every time it's up, it amounts to 16.6K dps on most fights (more on AoE fights). I get a much bigger bump passively out of a Vial of Boglins Brew, or actively out of most other easier to obtain charms.

    Also, it doesn't seem to be exporting to Census, so we can't view it on EQ2u, or the API's in general.
  3. Estred Well-Known Member

    Not quite what this thread is on, but more one you feel is not worth it's time investment to acquire. I felt similarly across all 3 Charms.

    I do also think AS Items should have slightly higher CC or other Blue Stats over Heroic, only slightly. So players choose Stats vs Procs when comparing Heroic or Raid items.
  4. Koko Well-Known Member

    Please fix this ring. To the best of my knowledge, it does not proc.

    Tested scenarios:
    - Snipers in heroic zones which drain power (various ranges from target)
    - Wizard mana burn (within 20 m)
    - Sprinting around for no reason (various ranges)
    Estred likes this.
  5. Ranga Active Member

    Also http://u.eq2wire.com/item/index/1165444244 Ring of the Waning Epoch, is supposed to power heal for 5972 on my coercer but in a whole labs run yest it procced twice (OK I may have only hit two death blows) but it procced for 500 and 1k respectively, that cannot be right.
  6. Koko Well-Known Member

    Highly probable that your character's power was 500~1k below your character's max power.
  7. Ranga Active Member

    Yeah I guess that is the answer, I ran through a few solos today to test it and it seemed to be working better. As a coercer I rarely run under full power anyways.
  8. Kootti New Member

  9. xkrisx Well-Known Member

    I believe it works that way to keep people from equipping it and casting there pet and unequipped it.
  10. Arieste Well-Known Member

    We got one of these today. Did multiple fights after (about 3hrs of raiding) that included full mana drains on people in raid AND in the wearer's specific group. It never triggered once.
  11. Xelgad Developer

    Thanks for letting us know your thoughts and issues about our items. Upon reviewing this thread, we have made some changes to a few items.

    Firstly, we fixed a few bugs including:
    • An issue with Sacred Rites that was preventing it from triggering properly. For the monitoring to work though, your allies will need to be within 35 meters of you - the effect isn't zone wide.
    • An issue preventing Starving Souleater from persisting through zoning and death.
    • An issue preventing Camaraderie (and fixed its spelling) from persisting through zoning and death.
    Secondly, we have made some adjustments including:
    • Doubling the effects of Unchecked Aggression. Ripostes can be avoided by using proper positioning and certain item effects, and damage can be avoided in a few ways, including jousting and AE Avoidance. This effect is not intended to be easy to maintain. Additionally, please keep in mind that your actual proc rate of these effects will be more than triple what they read due to haste and casting speed.
    • Shared Glory now only requires 2% damage to be inflicted to trigger the effect. This item is aimed mostly towards wizards and assassins for heroic content. Properly geared wizards and assassins will be able to trigger this effect with multiple abilities on a decent amount of base population.
    Odinn, Estred, Le Clown and 2 others like this.
  12. Gaealiege Active Member

    I'll take what I can get. Though I still feel that Shazzak's Bored Scale won't really get much use due to the effect coming off a deathblow or persisting long enough to follow the caster to the next encounter.

    Thank you for adjusting what you did though.
    Malleria likes this.
  13. petier Active Member

    I agree, there seem to be quite a few raid items that make no sense. This ear is a glaring example, and yes I can see that non tanks have looted it but that doesn't mean that it was intended to be used primarily by them, the proc is from being damaged from a melee weapon not any kind of damage. Oh and there is the + to Defense and Deflection as well, not really something your dps classes are looking to beef up on. As it stands I'm wearing the "Icon of the Fallen" over this ear for the mitigation increase, in fact even with us killing Grend I find myself not wanting much of the gear that is dropping from the raid zones over my stuff from last x-pac/current heroic stuff. Not saying there are no good items, there are a few...
  14. Estred Well-Known Member

    Many deathblow effects seem suited for Solo Content. Things do not die fast enough in Heroic really to use them unless the group is timing the slaying of mobs. I wonder if this is the case especially with the Frenzied Bangle.
  15. Sadique Member

    can you move this to drop in another dungeon then? it comes from the hardest zone, a place where all the bosses have so much health that odds are it sill will almost never proc. get rid of all these on kill items as well, the wrist off dagrin, a boss in a zone where you never kill anything except the bosses and an add every once in awhile. If you can clear VD you dont need items that are only useful in nexus or high keep.
  16. Regolas Well-Known Member

    I think you're correct. It was stated that stuff in solo zones will help you solo, stuff in heroics will be more group orientated, etc.

    I have an ethereal ring that procs a 45k heal on a death blow. Great for AE solo fights, pretty useless for groups. That came from an AS zone.
    Estred likes this.
  17. xkrisx Well-Known Member

    So Kander,
    Does this item expect to be looked at in the near future. Some people advise that maybe a DPS shoould wear this item but to take a Melee Damage to make this work, you seriously dont wanna be at -6k mitigation. So, I would say a DPS class should NOT wear this item. Ok, how about a tank, they take melee damage all the time. Lets review some incoming damage from raid mobs " Rarthek = Auto Attack Damage ( Average 128k Piercing ) / Physical Damage Spells ( Average of 1.5 million ) . Now thats on a raid tank with 15k+ Mitigation. Drop me down to 10k Mitigation and I am gonna go splat. I would go into Heroic Mobs as well but this is " RAID " jewelry, that is ment to be used in Raid.

    Just curiouse if this will be looked into in the future so we can have a viable tank ear that drops in raid. This is the ONLY one i have seen from TOV raids period.
  18. Sadique Member

    looking at how they put the 10 increments on the same bullet as the can stack from multiple people makes me think you need 10 people getting hit to get 10 increments.
  19. xkrisx Well-Known Member

    I dont care how it reads or how it increments.. It still drops 6k Mit from me.
  20. Sadique Member

    so you actually have the item and see it taking the 6k from you? otherwise my point was that if it incriments from 10 different people and only once per person then its only taking 600