Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-lavrence, Jun 21, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-lavrence Guest

    Which direction would you like to see the monk class go



    ~~Lavrence Starleaf~~
    ~~80 Monk~~
  2. ARCHIVED-Stradeus Guest

    I want the class back where it was when I rolled it:
    A Figther that excell in DPS, can tank ok and that have some utilities to bring to the table. That is the description of the class anyway.
    I don't think the problem is in the class in itself. The problem lies with the gears and the power that other fighters gain in ROK and TSO. Where are our +mitig armors? where are our +15% deflection effectivness? Where are our item that proc wards on attack and/or on deflection ? Were suposed to avoid hits. Not take it. So must items that proc wards when tanks get hit do not proc at all for us.
  3. ARCHIVED-scalzo Guest

    DPS and tanking. Forget the utility give it to the scouts.
    We should out dps all plate wearing tanks, because we wear leather and we are unable to use shields.
    Remove invisibility and group FD. Give us either more DPS or tanking abilities. A blue AE taunt would be nice.
  4. ARCHIVED-Brook Guest

    DPS/util, and just ok at tanking. We were never designed to tank epics and I am fine with that.
    Keep invis and group FD, add in something to help shed some of the damage when we do get hit. The gear we have now is not bad but could use some improvement considering the mechanics of how monks are supposed to work.
    I have seen plate wearers approaching pretty close to the same dps we have, but have yet to see us be able to take a hit like they can.
    Balance issues?
  5. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    I would like to see us a flexible tank class that can swing from extremely solid tanks to strong dps as a result of choices in gear, spec, and stance. We should be -capable- of near-plate level tankage OR rogue-level dps, but not be able to do both simultaneously, such that if I am specced and working as dps my survivability goes to hell and I'm a brigand without the debuffs, while if I'm in my tank spec/gear/etc. my dps is little higher than a warriors but I have crusader-like survivability.
  6. ARCHIVED-scalzo Guest

    How many times do you use invis really? I never use it. It is not even on my hot bar. Why use it when you have FD? Hello run past mobs and FD. Not that hard. Invis just slows me down and 90% of the mobs see through it anyway. It is a useless ability please get rid of this and gimme something I can use.
    As for group FD highly situational. It hardly ever works in raid because the mob will AE, killing your group anyway most of the time. Grouping I rarely use it unless I get a crap load of adds that I cannot handle = very rare, or I am exploiting and sneaking a group past something your not really suppose to do. Again I would prefer another AE taunt or an AE combat art to replace group FD.
    Haste we have too much of it. Try and balance this out. I like the idea of giving us a flurry proc. Our proc hate.Since you give the Monk class so many tools to peel aggro now ( Peel, Rescue, Hidden Openings, Sneering Assault ) how about making our Dragon Rage proc on missing the Monk instead of us having to hit the mob to proc it. This would probably help alot on AE tanking. Since we are suppose to avoid attacks this seems to make sense.
    Instill Panic again situational. Not used often. Would prefer this replaced with something more useful. Monks are not suppose to be scary. Sounds good for a Shadow Knight really.
    Also for all fighters please gives us some AA's to resist fear. I know knights get it on their AA tree, but what about the other fighters? What kind of Monk would show fear? Instead of an Instill Panic how about a Remove Panic LOL?
  7. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Here is what a monk should do. This is our fail Avatar of Growth fight from a few days ago, at around the 1 minute mark you will see the MT go down and a monk as a tank jumps in and takes over.
    Obviously the choice for MT is always going to be a guardian and I think that is right, but I can step in and tank anything if the guard is not around (I have tanked Ykesha several times as well as Justice among other things) and the difference really shouldn't be that noticable. We are tanks plain and simple. Monks need some help in the areas of agro generation and damage spike management but otherwise the class is fun to play, able to do what it is supposed to do and do it well. I'd like some kind of group buff though, I could care less about group fd it is the most useless spell in eq2.
  8. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    The whole having dragon rage proc on avoids thing has been suggested many times, but the truth of the matter is its really not a good idea. If that were the case, we would trade out having difficulty holding aggro on AE mobs for having difficulty holding aggro on higher level mobs. Remember, any mob that is a higher level than you starts to ignore your avoidance, which means we'd proc that hate less and less often the harder the content that we were facing was. BAD IDEA.
    As for fear resists, personally I would rather see the different tank archetypes each be given a unique immunity. For example, crusaders get fear immunity, warriors get knockback immunity, brawlers get stun immunity. This would improve each of the three types of tanks while maintaining uniqueness and giving the devs the opportunity to program certain fights for different types of tanks, which enhances diversity and makes things more interesting, instead of less homogenous.
  9. ARCHIVED-Siatfallen Guest

    BChizzle wrote:
    Alright, I've not been playing much for the last long while, but what prevents other fighters from taking up this role, doing it better than us, and outDPSing us while they're in offensive stance?
  10. ARCHIVED-lavrence Guest

    Siatfallen wrote:
    Monks can pick up aggro on a single target faster than most any other fighter, i have pulled aggro off of a paladin for example, WITH amends on me. I want to be undisputedly the best at something, offtanking would be a perfect thing to be the best class for. It would allow us to DPS when needed fulfilling the disires of those monks out there that do not want to tank, would allow us to tank all single group content (not that we cant as is) and still have a slot in raids.

    ~~Lavrence Starleaf~~
    ~~80 Monk~~
  11. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    lavrence wrote:
    We are horrible as off tanks as our AE agro generation is absolutely horrible and most off tanks have to pick up groups of adds. We need to be as effective as other tanks period not as some sort of off tank role, we need to be able to main tank when needed. If we are single target tanks that is great but we need to be better at single target tanking then an ae tank which is absolutely not the current situation. As far as dps goes we are actually fine where it currently is, if anything some of the other tanks probably need a boost dps wise to catch us.
  12. ARCHIVED-Szkeet Guest

    They say monks are supposed to be one of the hardest-to-hit classes. How? They dont give us gear to help us, our abilities to help, we cant use without stunning ourselves, or waiting 3 minutes to avoid 8 seconds worth of damage. If we are supposed to be as good as they say. Why not help us? I say they should give us abilities to use whenever we dodge/parry/etc, to do additional DPS. i.e mocking blow, etc.
  13. ARCHIVED-scalzo Guest

    We are fighters thus we are tanks. If you want DPS/utility go roll a Swashy, Assassin, Ranger, Brigand, or a Bard. There is your DPS/utility classes. Get ride of the useless utility and give us more DPS/tanking options. We are DPS tanks like it or not.
  14. ARCHIVED-swbles Guest

    DPS Class with the ability to Off-Tank. Kinda what it is now the class just needs a bit of tweaking.
  15. ARCHIVED-rotaterz Guest

    scout dps with the ability to temporary tank on raids. not MT but temp tank for a few if mt goes down(we currently have), and ability to tank in instances( aoe agro control). We dont need utility we are monks! I want monks to be more like the monk class in eq1! We are leather you cant expect to MT a raid mob end game. Yes tank trivial raid mobs.. but not endgame stuff.
  16. ARCHIVED-circusgirl Guest

    Personally I'm sick and tired of the whole ''you're leather, obviously you shouldn't be able to tank anything.'' Its as ridiculous as saying ''you wear platemail, therefore you should have 0 avoidance.'' The game isn't always realistic, get over it.
    Monks are fighters, fighters are tanks. End of story as far as I'm concerned.
  17. ARCHIVED-scalzo Guest

    Vinka@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Agreed here. Monks are fighters, fighters are tanks. They can easily beef up leather mitigation for Monks and Bruisers to rival plate. Their avoidance almost equals ours so why can't we get their mitigation? Balance SoE let's do it. The only chest piece that comes close is the Gi from SoH. I have killed this mob at least 100 times I think and still no Gi .
  18. ARCHIVED-rotaterz Guest

    If you wanted plate mit and to be a main tank on raids you should of made a guard. Atm monks can tank fine. There is nothing wrong with monk tanking atm.. i would love 40% heal on meditative healing but eh. But monks tank instances fine.. off tank on raids decent they just arnt mt's. If u are having trouble staying up in instances get new healers.
    I dont expect to get plate mit and dont want it.. we would be to overpowered. Are tankin is fine we lacking in dps. We are the dps fighters, Not the main tank fighters.
    I tank all instances in offensive stance cuz i always compete for highest parse in group. I have tanked all of palace isntance including varsoon with 1 healer. Make a good group and you can do any instance. We arnt as good of tanks as the plate tanks but we shouldnt be. We should be better dps then all of them tho. and i not talkin a 500-1k dps differnce cuz that doesnt make up our lack of tanking. We need a dps boost! Are tanking is prefectly fine for what it is.
  19. ARCHIVED-BChizzle Guest

    Rotate@Nagafen wrote:
    LOL people like this is what creates the problems in the first place. I swear if you wanted to be a scout you should have roled a scout, sorry you weren't smart enough when you picked your class to realize fighters are tanks. Please just do us all a favour and delete your monk.
  20. ARCHIVED-scalzo Guest

    Rotate@Nagafen wrote:
    Well since they wear plate, have almost equal avoidance, and can out parse us brawlers don't you think we should get a mitigation boost? SoE wants balance they don't care that a Shadow Knight is out dpsing Brawlers. Since they want balance I want the Shadow Knights mitigation then. Bring it to balance or increase my dps. Do not make one class superior to another. Gimme more DPS or gimme more mitigation. Screw utility. Like I said if you want dps/utility you need to go make a scout NOW. We are dps/tanks.