Please tell me that Furies solo well

Discussion in 'Fury' started by ARCHIVED-chivasc, Nov 15, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-nightrainj Guest

    Tsera@Mistmoore wrote:
    thank you for the help:) I have a few questions still:
    I'm not sure if the site i use ( reflects the AA trees exactly. i don't see a spell damage boost in the INT line and the Crit chance in the STA line says it's only for healing. Have these been changed? my reasoning for going down wis was to get to that rebirth talent, thought that might come in hand although we haven't died to much grouping.
    The reason i went down AGI was to get impove my HoT spells and get that tortoise shell buff, is that not worth it? or is that something i should hold off on until mobs/dungeons get more difficult. we've only ran blackburrow, stormhold, and one of the splitpaw heroics and right now healing doesn't seem to be too hard.

    Thanks again for the help, it's much appreciated:)
  2. ARCHIVED-Ferunnia Guest

    nightrainj wrote:
    This site has some good advice hidden in all the crap talking, and here's the fury board aa spec that is up at the moment...I personally think a lot of the choices they've chosen are garbage, even in from a raiding point of view, but that's my the very least it gives a decent break down and current stats for all the aas.
    As far as the original poster's question about soloing. I'm 90 in a few pieces of battleground gear and some old t3 crap, t8 masters and a mix of level 90 jewelry and such and went to the hole (heroic shared instance) and soloed through blue and white heroics to get my quest updates for my myth conversion quest. Mostly tanked the mobs, but had to root one on the groups of two ^^^...other than that no problem. Get low on power, stack up some heals and go animal form for 10 or 15 seconds.
  3. ARCHIVED-Dwed Guest

    Thank you for the solo information. It has been very helpful. I started on Vox and chose Fury since I like the sound of the class. Also, it seemed like the least played class. I was going to do a Shadowknight til I saw an endless sea of Shadowknights.
    Does anyone have any good tips for solo pvp with a fury? The best AA lines for stricktly soloing/pvp. I might duo here or there but I hate raiding and with family it is hard to group sometimes.

  4. ARCHIVED-Ferunnia Guest

    Stamina line is your bread and butter. Serenity is beast-mode if you aren't getting one-shotted. Also the proccing stun resistance can help if you get lucky. Crit chance is always good until you get higher and don't need it as much.
    Pick up at least 1 point on the wis line for the pbaoe CA root, maybe go down one more for the spell immunity and run speed.
    You probably won't need agility line as much, since tortoise shell doesn't help a heck of lot soloing...the buckler block boost is a little help, but not a lot.
    Int line is good for the extra damage and healing boost, plus the extra focus can help a bit when getting smacked on. Disruption 'should' help your spells land more often. Infusion is decent, but not great for soloing, since it adds so little extra when you aren't grouped.
    On the fury tree I'd definitely spec for the root and snare AAs on the hindering tree. For the other points to get kudzu i'd probably max the agi/wis debuff since it can help against priests and scouts a little to debuff their damage.
    Energy tree is good especially for starnova and lightning bolt, since you want to be able to cast as fast as possible. With the change to vortex you won't find yourself using it as often most likely, but for one point it's still nice.
    The other points in the fury tree are kind of debatable.
    Working down to the hibernate and porcupine aas can be some help for sure. If you are getting whaled on by a melee you'd be surprised how much damage porcupine will do, plus you'll take a good bit less damage.
    Hibernation is one of your fastest casting heals, so being able to use it as a one-shot reactive when close to dead can be awesome, too.
    Definitely max peerless predator (correct me if they have nerfed it in that case it's pretty useless).
    Brambles (the stifle is awesome) and cheetah (run away!) aren't bad upgrades on that tree either.
    TSO tree you're just going to look at things like maybe the mit increases on your group buffs, combat litany for sure to cast faster and hit harder. Seal of faith might actually be useful for you soloing in pvp.
    Wrath of nature is awesome because you can cast it on the run. Definitely pick it up.
    For the other aas on that tree just pick what you like, whether it be more damage or more heals, maybe even some of both.
    As far as actual fighting is concerned...Know your abilities, all of them. Knowing when to debuff or toss some brambles or death save yourself among other things help a lot for survivability. Maybe even take the time to learn the major abilities of classes that give you the most problems in pvp.
    There are a lot of things you'll use in pvp that I for one normally ignore.
    Buy some totems to see invis (peerless predator gives see stealth). Buy freedom of mind/action potions to shrug off stuns/fears. If you're in a guild that is high enough, keep all the different status things on you at all times to have immunity to control effects as well.
    I can't really help ya on gear, since I know pvp servers have their own pvp gear that I don't have access to.
    There's a lot of things I could say about how to actually play, but there's no substitute for practice and hard work at getting better in all ways. Hopefully a thing or two I posted here will help ya though. Happy hunting!
    (Disclaimer- I don't play on a pvp server, though I do know there's a lot of ganking involved, not so much standup fights, but I do rock battlegrounds quite well...though there are some differences there compared to open-world fighting. Any hardcore PvP server players feel free to add or subtract from my post here.)
  5. ARCHIVED-Dwed Guest

    Thank you for your reply. You had some very good information and I'll definately use it as I level. Reading descriptions on AAs is definately a lot different than knowing if and how they work. I do get ganked but that doesn't bother me it does make me think of what I should of done instead.

    My biggest issue is running out of power. Also, I don't have the money to get gear and better spells. It is incredible the amount they want for low lvl spells. Still, though I am having fun. I have my AA slider cranked as far as I can on it and just do quest, grind and harvest. If I get jumped I try to fight back. Loving it so far.
    Thanks again for the reply.
  6. ARCHIVED-Ferunnia Guest

    Animal form is good for power on the fury tree. Just don't know how well that will work for you considering you can only nuke while it's running. You can precast heals and just melee for 10 or so seconds but you would probably be dead by then with only regens running. Once you get hibernate it gets a bit easier to do that, since you know you'll get a heal either at 15% (with the aa) or about the time your regen wears off.
  7. ARCHIVED-Dwed Guest

    Thank you. I'll give those a try when I make it that far.
  8. ARCHIVED-Dwed Guest

    I think maybe I'll start up a wizard too to fund my fury. It seems the fury is going to need good gear to compete in pvp. I'm sure a wizard too but they can probably do a whole lot more dmg so gear wise might not be as bad. Then can buy stuff for fury. Seems like they have the same play style...root/snare nuke.