please nerf healing by 50%in pvp

Discussion in 'Battlegrounds' started by ARCHIVED-Faith_heals, Aug 13, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-mrsmall Guest

    nastymatt wrote:
    yes you do - however what I am bragging about is nothing to do with BG.
    It is a little closer..... to your home.......
  2. ARCHIVED-nastymatt Guest

    I would never stoop to your level and reply that your wife has not been round my home for ages.
  3. ARCHIVED-mrsmall Guest

    nastymatt wrote:
    Like your lvl 36 twinked SK ?
  4. ARCHIVED-mrsmall Guest

    nastymatt wrote:
    You could never reach my level. And she is still on medication for the "rashes" she bought home..........
  5. ARCHIVED-nastymatt Guest

    SK's have been nerfed.. wardens? I might roll out my level 70 with 45 aa's sitting in exile who hasn't moved for 5 years. Time for some facerolling easy pvp!
  6. ARCHIVED-mrsmall Guest

    nastymatt wrote:
    You would go down faster than "the saying goes". SK's are still OP. look at BG. One SK - x6 beating on them. Same as Zerkers. You can also say the same about healers. but that is lvl 30 - 39.
    lvl 90 is totally different.
    Stop defending SK's - look how many DPS classes play BG compared to Healers.
    Look at the threads - "Moan no healer in my group for x 6 games etc etc etc.
    Should be fun watching pre-mades go in with a healer and muller the opposition because they have a healer .
  7. ARCHIVED-nastymatt Guest

    mrsmall wrote:
    calm down and think before you post incoherent rants... no one has nerfed your warden yet. Stick to the topic i.e. about healers.. healers are op. We know it.. you know it. Nerf them.
  8. ARCHIVED-Beef_Supreme Guest

    Healers are over-powered?
    Healers are difficult to kill when they heal themselves?
    yeah. As it should be.

    Seriously, if your complaint is that the best Healers in BGs are hard to kill, you need a Captain Obvious sticker.
    While you're at it, please point out that the very best Dps'ers do incredible damage or, even more, that the very best Tanks can really survive! I mean, no kidding! Wow!
    No one's unkillable, by players of the same caliber. If people are upset because the very best Healers out there heal themselves well... uh, class definition, guys.

    Also, whoever pointed out that making Healers less powerful would *not* be good for the Healer population, and thus really bad for the PuG's and BGs in general is correct. We'll all admit playing a Healer in there is a bit more stressful and effort-requiring than most other classes. You wreck what the Healers can do, and no one's gonna play one.
    You feel like playing all your PuG's without a Healer? (and you can guess what the Pre-made you're facing will have two of...)
  9. ARCHIVED-mrsmall Guest

    nastymatt wrote:
    Not ranting.... purely stating the true facts.
    They won't nerf healers. People liked being healed
    "Move along please. These ar'nt the healers you are looking for".
  10. ARCHIVED-ErikGunner Guest

    mrsmall wrote:
    Don't nerf healers in general, just balance wardens to be in line with the rest.
  11. ARCHIVED-Verrie77 Guest

    Healers need to be good at healing. Can you imagine what its like trying tostay alive yourself AND at the same time trying to keep your group up. It would be an impossible job if they got nerfed.
    Everyone goes for the healer right away. To be able to do the job they need all this.
  12. ARCHIVED-Davngr1 Guest

    the trick to killing a healer is finese not brawn.

    if you don't know how to kill a particular healer and just cast ca's/spells at them with out any rhyme or reason then that healer will indeed be unkilable.

    also if you're a low dps class... that healer will be unkillable.

    i pvp a lot one day i kill a healer the next i can't touch him. goes back and forth but i do agree that shamans go down easy very few have ever given me a hard time and upon inspectin them they where all highed raider gear/challenger's.
  13. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    I say nerf wardens.
    Lastnight we formed up: Guard, Warden, Zerker, Warden
    Queued random BG's, and it equates to no matter what filled that group, it equates to basically an unkillable group. I can't imagine what it would look like running into a similar opposing team.
    From my perspective, their power regen is stupid OP when combined with faster casting speeds, and running high reuse gear.
    But hey, playing OP classes is what pvp is all about isn't it?
  14. ARCHIVED-Aleste Guest

    Beef_Supreme wrote:
    I agree healers should be tough to kill but with the aa immunities and regen of some healers there are some classes that dont stand a chance against them 1v1. With toughness, heroic resistance ect. A summoner for example doesnt stand much of a chance against a warden gear and skill being equal. I also understand Healers should be able to heal themsleves and their groups. But that ability should be most prominent in a group setting with a tank taunting targets off them. What alot of people seem to be saying is a healer can stand up to serveral people focusing on them that should not be the case. I cant speak for most healer types but i know inquis is damn op (myth cure, strong in both melee and magic damage and steadfast) Wardens fall into this also ( insane power regen, damage immunity, strong melee). Id say its eaiser to kill an inquis since they eat power fast when healing and doing damage, but wardens regen needs to be balanced in pvp for sure. No non chanter should be regening power like that.
    While your at it buff summoners. (Dumbfire pets to dots) that is all :)
  15. ARCHIVED-Ralpmet Guest

    Classes that don't primarily heal themselves have troubles with healers in all games.
    I mean think about it, heals are straight up survivability. If you kill a healer while he has power he's failed miserably at his one job, in a 1 on 1 situation at least. There are few classes that match the survivability that all the healers have, and those classes either have straight dps, or a mixture of dps and heals.
  16. ARCHIVED-MindFury Guest

    Folks in this game always crack me up..

    What is a tanks job? to be the meat shield right? To stand and take a beating?...with heals a tank can and should be able to last quite some time yes?...without heals he should still do far better taking damage than any other class but healer (cuz ya know, they get to heal themselves)...they are after all A MEAT SHIELD. Goes to figure they should be the second toughest class in game to kill right? I mean, it really is only logical.... Healer should be by far, the toughest. They are meant to do what...that's guessed it HEAL. 1 save them all /snickers, cuz let's face it, even that tank isn't going to live long, without his healer keeping his health up there through all that bashing he's meant to take......

    Now you kids stop and think about that for just a few would ya..................................have ya got it yet? bout now????????........

    There ya go...see that wasn't so hard. Neither tank, nor healer, should be an easy fight. Neither tank, nor healer, should be killable by any 1 class in pvp....not when SOE designed them to be the backbone for any grp. To 1. take all the damage the mobs putting out, much easier than any other class in game. 2. to heal through said keep 5 others plus themselves alive !!!

    If a healer, who's meant to keep 6 other ppl alive, in a grp situation, in an instance, can't even manage to keep themselves alive in pvp....something is seriously wrong. Same goes for a tank...why you ppl feel that just because they are in pvp...means you should be able to kill them without hassle in a 1 v 1 or a 2 v 1 situation is beyond me.
    It SHOULD take a full grp to demolish tank/healer in my view. They are both the backbone to ANY grp. without either in grp, that instance/raid is going to be hella hard. And here you think they should be a cake walk in pvp?
    Btw for the nub who said wardens have no issues with pwr.....yea em in a grp now a days...even sk's keep more power than wardens do, lord knows no scout is going to run outta power while they mental breach away the wardens...defiler, inquisitor can both regen just as much power, all classes can find power regen gear, tanks are amazing with retaining their power...You want to sit and claim wardens are so hard? go against an inquisitor. THE MOST OP HEALER end game. Not only can they solo heal any instance, they can do so while putting out 10k dps or more. They can take on full grps in pvp, and not only live through it, but manage to kill every one in that grp (who didn't end up runnin' like wankers) me even one warden who's going to live through a full grp of 6 AND kill them all....HA...stop usin the old "oh noes wardens got pwr regen nerf em" routine, it got old long ago. Now every class seems to manage to hold on to 85% of their pwr np.
  17. ARCHIVED-Verrie77 Guest

    To the poster above ...Well said :)
  18. ARCHIVED-Aleste Guest

    MindFury wrote:
    Your logic would hold true if tanks and healers could not dish out any type of reasonable damage. Which they can. While your at it please define the role of a dps class? Your argument is that tanks/healers should be op? A dps job it to hit hard enought to eat threw the defense and healing of a mob am i right? PVP by logic should not be won at character creation screen. When people start the game they should be able to choose any class and know that they have a reasonable shot of killing any other class in a 1v1. Really who started pvp saying hey im going to roll a dps class so i can only kill other dps classes? If the game was designed by your logic we would only have tanks and healers running around since choosing any other class would be a disadvantage right from the start.
    Your agruement give new reason as to why debuffs and cc should hit harder and last longer. And please stop trying to give reason to why classes should be op its childish. In 1v1 every class should stand on almost equal ground. Healers can heal but every dps should have enough dps/debuffs and cc to make it a fair fight 1v1. Tanks should take a hit well since thats their job but they shouldnt put out the dps they do with the defense they have. Since dps is the job of... well dps.
    As it stands people have complaints with tanks and healers not because of their primary roles but because everyone can dps and their primary roles. Which makes healing classes and classes that can mitigate large amounts of damage op vrs classes that cant.
    Your view is moot.. since a full group usualy consists of a tank a healer and dps lol... so to you dps is useless? While your at defining the pve rolls of classes take a look at how much damage Dps classes do in pve? Hell my Dirge is parsing over 20k now a days..
    (Fire your warden and lol at inquis regening as much power as a warden do you even play eq2?)
    Just incase you didnt know.. in order to put out the major damage an inquis does they have to use several buffs that do what? Drain their power wooooot!
  19. ARCHIVED-Verrie77 Guest

    Again, at 80-89 i hardly see any healer stand up extremly long if several of ppl are beating on them.
    What do you need healers for if they are supposed to go down like a mage ?
    I agree that healers should have to choose between dps or heal. If they want to be good at healing it should affect their dps greatly.
    And trust me its alot of work behind staying alive as a healer and at the same time keepingtrack of ppls health, curing as much as you can. Timing your selfbuffs and check where yougroup went.
    When I played my mage I was alot more free to move around.
    Being dps is easy copared to healing when it comes to consentration and stay alert.
    WHen you die you can easily blame the healer, but if you are the healer you dont have anyone to easily blame but yourself and the gear you use.
    Most tanks are not able to keep ppl away from the healer, but when they are its a really fun job to be a healer.
    If they cant, then healing is a full time job.
  20. ARCHIVED-Aleste Guest

    Verrie77 wrote:
    80-89 is a diffrent world than 90. I play dps and a healer in t9 no one is eaiser than the other if your tying to be good at either. I can tell we play diffrent games.. With the comment about healers going donw like mages comment. Have you faught a Sorc latley? I dont think anyone is saying turn healers to a one hit update. What people are saying is when a healer or tank is debuffed and eats a ss fusion and a concealment chain or pft then heals threw it with one heal something is wrong.