Please make the Sapphire Outblooms easier to see.

Discussion in 'Quests and Seasonal Events' started by Wurm, Nov 14, 2014.

  1. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I reported this in beta as well, but they are almost impossible for a red-green colorblind person to see. Make them truly "Sapphire" blue, and they will standout against the green background. As they are now, they are 96% green with a bluish tinge, and in beta it took me well over an hour to find the 15 I needed and I'm having the same problem on live. It is also causing me eye strain, which is no fun at all.
  2. Wurm Well-Known Member

    Or you could make the few that spawn on the tops of the hills respawn faster, they seem to be the only ones I can see to harvest, but they take forever to respawn.
  3. Rakk Active Member

    I have just done this quest - I managed to find 15 sapphire outblooms in about 3 minutes - there were all on the tops of hills/mountains - but one thing to note, they were outside of the blue area on the map, not far out, but were outside , may also help that's it's still early morning for the US. After doing it a few times on beta, I just didn't bother looking in the undergrowth where they are tricky to see and very very sparse.
    Cyliena, Purrako and Lucus like this.
  4. Purrako Active Member

    Thank you Rakk!!

    Spent 40 minutes and had found 3.
    Tried a different version of the zone and found 2 more in 20 minutes.
    Within 5 minutes of reading your post I found the 10 I still needed by following your advice.

    Thank you so much.
  5. Tetrol Well-Known Member

    Had the same problem - found one in the underbrush immediately, so thought that must be where they spawned, and wasted about an hour before a guildie gave me the advice to look on hill tops. Don't have to keep bumping off al the annoying spiders etc either. (would far prefer having the odd significant mob ambush me than insignificant worthless spiders)