Please do something about the massive circumvention of the game's restrictions

Discussion in 'General Feedback' started by Ingerimm, Feb 20, 2024.

  1. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    Dear developers,

    Unfortunately, the game is becoming more and more broken, as it is now the rule that most players bypass the game's restrictions in order to progress faster. Weeklies are weeklies so that you can only do them once a week and only get the reward once and not that you only need enough characters to do them twice a day and trade everything on one main character.

    I therefore ask the developers to limit this back to normal by:

    - By making all quest/mission rewards character-bound and non-tradable. Includes all in-game quest reward currencies. Of course, the same goes for everything you can buy with these currencies.
    - Drop rewards from drop boxes, however, should be freely tradeable.

    This is the only way to prevent the entire game from being reduced more and more to pure fram relogging and farm runs. <<< This no longer has anything to do with playing EQ2.

    People who don't fully utilize the existing system won't mind these changes. Because they really want to play their multiple characters and therefore get the necessary equipment by playing their characters, everyone else only uses the gap in the game that arises from the given situation to massively accelerate their main characters' progress and other players in the way of progress to be unfairly booted out.

    This completely destroys the entire game and the meaning behind the game. It's just a matter of who can repeat as many weeklies as possible over and over again with how many characters in as short a time as possible. And that applies to all types of weeklies, raid like heroic, like chrono weeklies and also the avatar weeklies.

    If someone wants to play multiple characters, that's their own business, but there shouldn't be an opportunity to gain such massive unfair advantages from it.

    If someone decides to play multiple characters, they also have to put in the additional effort that they decided on.

    It should mean the same effort for every character, whether it's the 1st or the 20th, at least in terms of equipping them with gear. There is already a game-given speedup through the veteran bonus and account-wide activation of achievements, so no additional gap in the game needs to be created.

    The gap in the game created is so big, for example with a raid zone where you can complete 2 raid weeks + two new halves within 5 to 20 minutes and collect the currencies, which means that a player with several characters can take 1200+ raid coins with them per week. Another player with only one character then needs at least 6 weeks for it. The whole thing also applies to all other currencies. And of course the whole thing adds up week by week. After 2 weeks it will be 12 weeks for the player with only one character and after 3 weeks it will be 18 weeks for the character with only one character to reach the same level.

    Please dear developers, you are the only ones who can stop this from destroying the entire game.
    There is not a single honest and fair justification for operating the Quest/Mission/Currency system the way it is currently being exploited. So please stop this.

    Thx in advance ...
  2. Praetorian Well-Known Member

    So I understand you correctly what progression are you referring to? Currency Progression? Because its definitely not doing weeklies for items only. Its been in the game forever that players with multiple characters are going to have an advantage with gaining currency because of the member buff and the games focus pushing players to have multiple characters with the heirloom tag for items.
    Vlkodlak, Hellfiren, Smashey and 3 others like this.
  3. Kuulei Well-Known Member

    A big no. As it is I do chrono weekly just on 2 characters. However they turned this into a pay-2-win by putting the chrono currency on the marketplace. So what you're effectively saying is no to alts, but those with lots of expendable real life cash, can just buy the currency is okay?
    Falkira, Hellfiren, Beee and 5 others like this.
  4. Manafizzle Well-Known Member

    Beee, Hellfiren and Aggy like this.
  5. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    It affects all in-game progression and you know it. Because if you get gear faster than expected, you also have faster resolve to tackle higher tier opponents. This makes your kill progress lists completely meaningless. It's just a pure run to see who can reach the "resolve" and enough cboc the fastest. Whoever has more characters per account wins the run.

    Furthermore, people also save the currencies that they accumulate massively quickly. As soon as it is possible to buy the next higher currency box, they can buy it every 18 hours and thus buy the next "resolve" jump directly. These people then saved up enough coins to buy all the items in the box straight away.
  6. Drona Well-Known Member

    The "kill progress list" was already meaningless long time ago....

    if the complaint is that, those who have lot more time compare to you are progressing faster, then welcome MMO :)

    I know people who grind all sort of coins no alts then complain that the game is a grind and boring, but that's their issues. The developers can't save players from their own folly. Don't get me wrong, I have done exactly that, grinded coins on alts and then get angry at the game :D
    Chikkin, SolarFaire and Kuulei like this.
  7. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I only ever play one toon. I only have enough time to only ever play one toon. If others have the time and resources to consistently play alts to pool together resources gathered, then more power to them for going to that effort.

    I don't care about being the best player in this game. I don't raid, I haven't even run H2 zones to obtain resolve beyond 9750 in BoZ. I don't care what other players are doing, so why is it such a big crusade for you to get involved? How does it affect you to see others succeed faster that you have to demand the devs step in to stop other players from being better than you?
  8. Tkia Well-Known Member

    Ah, so you're whining and calling for nerfs on others because your circumstances don't allow you to reach the top of some meaningless competition list? Got it. Get over it. There will always be obsessives that do everything faster than the rest of the playerbase and there always will be. Nothing the devs do is going to slow them down and all the nerfs that get introduced to try it fail miserably and just punish the rest of the playerbase in the attempt. It's way past time the devs figured that out.
    Hellfiren, SolarFaire and Kuulei like this.
  9. Poemaon Member

    Because he thinks everyone hast to play his Playstyle.
    if he dosen't like it, you don't have to do it.

    Aggy, Hellfiren and Kuulei like this.
  10. Finora Well-Known Member

    The only horse I have in this race currently is holiday currency. Not exactly game breaking.

    And "progression lists" have always been complete BS. They were always meaningless. Because it's a GAME. We don't get paid to do this lol. This is a hobby.

    Someone is always going to be better than you because someone is always going to come along who has more time, more funds, or more skill than you.

    As Kuulei pointed out, some of this stuff can be bought on the marketplace.

    I'm literally 3 expansions behind these days due to RL and I used to raid and be one of the "cool kids" with the shiny raid loots. These days, I'm not and won't be probably ever again. It's all okay BECAUSE IT'S A FREAKING GAME.
    I used to raid in EQ1 as well. So been there done that. People who have more time will always be ahead of the game. It's life in an MMO.

    The things you are talking about don't appear to be actual tradable gear. It's already locked to the account, so it does not affect you directly in any way.
    And no, fluff appearance items and house items do not affect adventure gameplay so should not concern you if people can grind out more beer tokens or what have you than you can).

    People having multiple characters and the ability to do quests/missions multiple times a week is not an exploit. It is literally built into the game. There's even an on purposely put into the game XP buff that increases in strength as you get more characters of level. The game is BUILT for people with time for more characters to access more.
    I definitely have been around the game long enough to know about certain exploits that some people used to grind extra things, however, having multiple characters isn't one of them.

    You would have died in old EQ when crazy raid items were tradeable and a newbie could have a regen tunic from a dragon raid if they were an alt of a high level with plat or who got lucky in a raid (it did get nerfed eventually, but lasted many years before it was deemed enough of a problem for someone to decide to change it).
    Hellfiren, Twyla, SolarFaire and 2 others like this.
  11. Kalemaroni New Member

    Circumvention of the game's restrictions or operating entirely as intended?

    Circumventing of the game's restrictions would be creating an alt, /claiming the overseer 3x boxes of 1 per character fabled/celestial agents, putting them in the shared bank, then deleting the alt, rinse repeat until you have all 15-18 of the agents of which you were only supposed to have 3!
    And they then made them no-trade when they realised what was going on...

    If you play smart you maximise on your time.
    You plan your chrono weekly double run to maximize the coins for it.
    You then run short easy zones like vasty deep doubled up with avatar quests, and run them with an alt or two but spread the main toons across the different runs so that you don't take age doing pure alt runs.
    You delete the crappy avatar quests that give few coins for lots of work.

    If you have the time and you want to eek out every possible way of getting your character up to spec so that your raid guild can succeed in tonight's raid giving them #1 spot for first kill then you should be allowed to do that.

    There is opportunity for smart play as well as full on non-stop grinding.

    What you're suggesting is like telling Olympic athletes they're only allowed to train for 1 hour a day.
    Sunlei likes this.
  12. DENSER Well-Known Member

    There may be a vacant position for head developer... You never know, look at the ads and if you're chosen one of these days, things could change. For now we are only simple commoners. Not in any way in the position to ask for such changes. If this system has been in place for years , it’s that they find their accounts one way or another.
  13. Sunlei Well-Known Member

    I disagree with you. I don't think this is expoit or any type of cheating content. Some Currency is heirloom, some people play much more hours then others. They can amass Currency faster because they play more character/hours. They earned their Currency fair and square. If you want more Currency play more alts, accounts and hours.
    Vlkodlak, Twyla, SolarFaire and 4 others like this.
  14. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    Sorry Inge you should calm down, if you are not able or wanted to have alts your choice,

    but stop keep complaining about those who have and are able to use // play them. And god to hell why should get more stuff no trade or what ever the total opposite of No Trade is what we need like in other Expas like PoP were we had item form the Weeklys only atunable so we are able to trade to some other who need ( and not trade for Plat ) only for beeing social and help other players and or friends thats what we need not any SH°°°°T No trade if this comes EQ2 will lose more players.

    And if we are able to do weeklys twice or more its our fun and duty for like the Raid Weekly if have toons which are able and can be used for this why not its everyonce choice how many time and money you can or want to invest here we dont need a DB Dictature here THE THININKS ARE FREE and Should Stay Free everytime.

    Aggy and SolarFaire like this.
  15. Sedient Active Member

    The game needs more alt friendly policies and mechanics...not fewer. Sorry
    Chath, Hellfiren, SolarFaire and 6 others like this.
  16. Vlkodlak Well-Known Member

    As stated above, we need more alt friendly rules, not less, not more restrictions. The idea of getting gears on our mains to pass to alts, and vice versa is one of the perks of working on alts to do this. Making the loot no trade is a bogus idea, I would rather see the opposite and remove the heirloom tags and trade them amongst our group and raid members as necessary, more the way of bringing free trade to every server.
    Aggy, Hellfiren, Twyla and 1 other person like this.
  17. Hellfiren Well-Known Member

    YOU HIT THE POINT :D:):rolleyes:
  18. Kenn Well-Known Member

    If someone had 12 toons and runs the weeklies to get a lot of coins, then how does that affect you negatively as a normal player?
  19. Evilary Well-Known Member

    This. Just means they need 12 times the items/coins a single character player would need.
  20. Ingerimm Well-Known Member

    That's just not correct. Because the people I'm talking about, and that's the masses, are simply exploiting the system. They don't distribute the rewards among the characters but instead force the equipment/currency onto a single one.

    Of course, there are a few leftovers here and there for the other characters, but that's neither the rule nor the goal for them. It's all about getting stronger with the main as quickly as possible by bypassing the time limit of a weekly, where there are always more and bigger rewards.

    But only the single main character chosen by these people gets the main benefit.

    As a rule, the raids often now build a strong group of main characters who provide the kill performance at the encounter and 3 groups of "mostly weak alternative" characters are dragged through the raid quests / missions. The situation is similar in the group instances, where there are 1-2 main characters per group. And then they take turns and repeat the same thing again with other "alt's" and another main group.

    It doesn't even matter whether these "alt's" are actively participating in the fight or are just lying dead on the ground. The weeklies are completed and you receive the reward in the form of currencies that will be traded on the main character.

    The fact is, missions and quests only affect the character played, so the currency can only be character-related, just like the items from the currency, otherwise it can and will always be exploited. It can only be fair if each character stands for themselves and earns and develops their own currency/items from missions and quests.

    Due to the super easy raid weeklies in this addon, an instance with only 3 names in it without having to hit trash encounters directly, the problem is massively increased. Since there is no longer any time commitment other than people having to re-log to other characters.

    Not a single player who only plays a single character can keep up with this exploitation and circumvention of the game's intended timers, which many players exploit with their multiple characters.

    Everything else is just flimsy justifications and excuses as to why they have the right to exploit the system or trivialize the problematic situation that these players create with their unfairness.

    as summary:
    There's no disadvantage at all if you do the whole thing in a character-based / character bound way. If people actually play their alternative characters for real, they won't have any disadvantage from it. Only the people who are currently exploiting the system, as described, would have the disadvantage that it would no longer be possible to exploit it.

    Would them turn the weeklies into quests / missions that you can do as often as you want and at the same time remove the instance timer or massively shorten it to a few minutes. Then 99% of all alternative characters would no longer exist or played, so no one would be able to use them to gain an unfair advantage. As I said some times before, this has nothing to do with real playing EQ2 anymore, it's just about who can progress the fastest by exploiting gaps in the game.