Please change Rune: Renewing Bulwark (Useless)

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Talathionwins, May 10, 2014.

  1. Talathionwins Active Member

    It is a 2500 ward that regenerates 250 of it every 2 seconds.

    This is another Rune, it has the exact same rarity, but it reduces every hit by 2500 damage. Every. Single. Hit. With mobs hitting up to the millions that isn't even overpowered! The other rune reduces damage by 8%, that is even more powerful then Adamantine Constitution.

    Renewing Bulwark to remain viable, needs to be changed, at least make it on par with other War Runes.

    Renewing Bulward
    25% Of Max Health is a Ward; (Say I had 700k health, it would be a 175000.)
    Regenerates 2.5% of that Ward every second. (Say I had 700k health, that would be 17500.)

    This means no matter the content Renewing Bulwark will remain viable.
  2. Strac Active Member

    Just out of curiosity; when you log into the game, how does go ? Are you happy to log in and eager to stumble over any item, spell, ability or mechanic you don't genuinly like and then tab out to the forums and create a post ? Do you actually find time to play the game or is it more like a constant strain with facing all these broken mechanics/item etc ? Just trying to understand the nature of the beast here.

    But to not completely be off topic: Yeah renewing bulwark seems pretty weak if you compare it to incoming damage of raid targets. Then again I have no idea what the idea behind the rune was in the first place. It was useless at lvl 90 as red rune too, leaving me to think it's maybe just something maybe a monk would use to counter the health drain from everburning flames ? (/shrug) or something to make farming older content easier.

    Adamantite Const. doesn't ward 2.5k every hit, it says "up to 2500 dmg".considering the dmg an average trash mob does in ToV zones it actually not too bad, at least from a solo or heroic point of view. And since these runes actually DO drop in adv solo zones ( and beyond), i dare to say the target audience was not primarely raiders.

    And the other rune reducing dmg by 8%, if you mean relentless conviction that's 5% not 8%, and only physical dmg. Not really sure what else you could mean with dmg reduction rune otherwise.

    And honestly, 25% of max health as permanent ward through a rune is utterly OP. What's that, a cryptic geared defiler spamming his single target ward on you non-stop ? It would completely trivialize the entire heroic content, hell i'm sure a Necro could cover the few heals you'd need as berserker in a heroic zone if your wishes came true in terms of "fixing" runes.
  3. Daalilama Well-Known Member

    Hmm considering hp and incoming damage was scaled on average 10X previous content of CoE (for arguments sake) than increasing renewing bulwark to be scaled up to 25k is within reason (as previously going back to DoV) and warranted to keep it somewhat viable. However, your suggestion of making is scale based upon players HP and be 25% of players max HP as a ward renewing for 2.5% of HP per second is extremely OP and starts to take the place of a healer in situations. So no. While this war rune and a host of others (Descent of Drinal/Adamantine Constitution/Undying Devotion/Etc.) which have not been scaled accordingly for current content do need a second look adjusting them as you did with your example would make them extremely OP for anyone that could use them and would negate quite a lot of scripts.
  4. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    Descent of Drinal is still decent because of the groupwide crit bonus buff, but yeah, all the heal/ward rune are utterly worthless now. Adamantine Constitution would only be good for farming old content, because 2,500 damage is trivial with current HP totals. Relentless Conviction is great, with a 5% physical damage reduction, which can equate to up to around 30k, damage prevented per hit in places like Dominion. I consider it a tank staple. But when it comes down to it, there just aren't any good runes for healing anymore. My healers are all just taking Winds of Obol/Truespirit's Legacy, Descent of Drinal, and some control effect immunity runes.
    SideshowBob likes this.
  5. Mermut Well-Known Member

    Don't forget storm animus for your healers with the group max health and stat boost.. but, yeah, the heal/ward/DR war runes are mostly worthless.
  6. Talathionwins Active Member

    Yeah no.. get out of Advanced Solo's and actually do something hard.

    25% of my current HP would be 250k. I usually get hit for 700k. That ward is GONE.

    25% is small, I originally was gonna go for 50% and 5% every second.
  7. Mermut Well-Known Member

    250k ward is more then most non-raid geared shaman can put up in a single target ward. Having a wardthat size on a war rune would definitely be overpowered.