Planar Mender's Aura (still broken)

Discussion in 'Items and Equipment' started by Wonsokman, Jan 30, 2013.

  1. Wonsokman New Member

    Im pretty sure that the updates notes which i cant remember when was posted but said that the increase to heals and wards by 10% part of the proc along with increased heals inc by 3% was working however this is far from the truth anyway you can look into this?

    I made a thread close to a year ago when i obtained one of the items and was never even given an answer from a red name would be nice to at least hear your aware of this problem.
  2. Errrorr An Actual EQ2 Player

    Weird, when I tested this a while back, it seemed to be working, but after testing it again with my mystic literally 30 seconds ago, there was no increase to his wards with PMA up compared to not having PMA up.
  3. Ghalon New Member

    I tested this also and it still does not seem to be working properly
  4. Kander Developer

    I thought this was fixed a while back. We will look at it again.
  5. Kander Developer

    It looks like we have a fix for this. Very soon.
  6. bsod Member

    this seems to work on my necro with transfer life and transference only..:eek: I can't get it to proc on necrotic reconstruction,lifetap,bloodcloud,lich's siphoning or consumption..i can kinda understand consumption as it's a pet based spell but it should proc on the others as they are heals even if self only and items that proc on crit heals work on these spells. This item cost alot of plat in mats and i had it experimented on before i attuned it. i figured this would be a nice item on my necro as group/self based heal/ward procs that proc on lifetaps/nercro heals are a nice way to add a bit utility to my group. i only wish the devs would change a few of the priest only red runes with "on a crit heal" to be mage priest so i could add more utility to my necro
  7. bsod Member

    so it seems if a proc has "on a healing spell cast" listed in the proc it doesn't go off on the spells listed above. i found a rune "Soul Shielding" that has the a group ward proc and the "on a healing spell cast" text in the proc and it doesn't go off on the spells listed above. the rune of "Silver Ward I" that has the "on a critical healing spell cast" on the other hand does proc on the spells listed above. I'm wondering if this was intended or hopefully just a oversight and if so please fix it thanks.:cool: