Pirates Tiki Bar in Booty Bay (guild hall) - UPDATED

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by ARCHIVED-Gzelle, Oct 10, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    Sneak peek at Pirates of the Dark Crusade Guild Hall - South Freeport Tier 1....
    (sorry for such big pics but i cant seem to get them to size down correctly)

  2. ARCHIVED-lakota Guest

  3. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Totally awesome! Great job
  4. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    Thanks dear - probably the funnest project I've worked.
    EDIT - couple more pics
  5. ARCHIVED-Transen Guest

    Actually sneaked a peak while they were still working on this. Loved the pinball table.
  6. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

  7. ARCHIVED-Galldora Guest

    Wow, your bar looks TERRIFIC! Gratz!

    I'm with you -- the guild halls are lots of decorating fun!
  8. ARCHIVED-VuurvinkTijgeroog Guest

  9. ARCHIVED-Eveningsong Guest

    Wonderful bar :) I love the inside of the FP guild hall, I'm kind of regretting buying in North Qeynos, although the location is very handy for ducking out the door for quick purchases, etc.
  10. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    It is a little tricky getting there the first time, but with the call to players housing and call guild hall back I havent had any problems.
  11. ARCHIVED-donilla Guest

    Love the thatched roof on the tiki bar. Gives the whole room the perfect feel.
  12. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    still more pics...
    tradeskill area
    Evil area - (decorated by Preke)
    my attempt at a loft (fountain under it still under construction)
    Treasure horde watched over by our faithful dragon - dont let him fool you he's not sleeping
    come visit us anytime!
  13. ARCHIVED-SilkenKidden Guest

    Very nice. Good job. Woot
  14. ARCHIVED-Amphibia Guest

    Very nicely done. Love the leaf stairs :)
  15. ARCHIVED-Gzelle Guest

    completed fishy tank:
  16. ARCHIVED-Kahlef Guest

    Excellent work. :)
    The bar seems like a fun place to hang around. I liked the tables on the tradeskill area and the treasure horde. The pinball table was an ingenous idea!
  17. ARCHIVED-lakota Guest

    Love the fishy tank