Pet not attacking

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-Bratface, Oct 22, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Bratface Guest

    My pet is suddenly not attacking mobs I sic it on any more, I send pet in and it stays at max range but does nothing at all, the only way to get it to attack is to change the setting to have it melee instead of range attack.
    I destroy my pet, get a new one, try again and same thing, for a couple days now it has been doing nothing unless I send it in to melee, set at range it never casts a spell or anything, it just does nothing but stand there in a fighting stance.
    Level 90 with Myth/ER and expert pet if it matters.
    eta: Figured out it will finally attack on its own once the mob moved, but sending it on rotstuffed in Ant just has it stay at max range in a combat stance but not actually doing anything.
    When I send it on another mob, it will not attack that mob until it moves, then pet starts attacking it/casting on it, but not until it moves.
  2. ARCHIVED-Efess Guest

    Same thing happened to me. Have you tried /pet melee or going to pet options and clicking the pet melee button? It fixed my pet staying max range in combat stance and not running up to mobs problem.
  3. ARCHIVED-Bratface Guest

    Tanelaria@Permafrost wrote:
    The problem isn't the pet running up to the mobs, it is that the pet stays at max range and does not do ANYTHING excpet stand there in attack stance.
    I am not the only one having the problem, necro and conj pets are having issues too from what they have been saying.
    And lets not forget the pet disappearing on zoning bug, that's so much fun.