Pet Macro and resources - what am I missing?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by santargria, Apr 25, 2014.

  1. santargria Well-Known Member

    Not sure where this belongs, so feel free to move as necessary.

    So I have a pet attack macro:

    /pet attack
    However, if there is a resource nearby the macro will instead target the resource instead of the NPC

    What am I missing and how can I avoid this?

    It would seem to me that a resource should NOT be classified as an NPC?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Alejo Member

    I personally have /pet attack as a macro tied to the primary spell in my cast cycle. So every time I cast Crystal Blast, it also does /pet attack, then use Tab to target NPC's. It's worked very well for me and constantly ensures my pet isn't off doing something stupid. There are very few situations when my pet and myself need to focus on different mobs. I haven't had any issues with resources this way.

    Hope this helps!
    santargria likes this.
  3. santargria Well-Known Member

    Thanks - I know about the tab, but I would think /target_nearest_npc would auto target an NPC not a resource - otherwise what's the purpose of having this command?
  4. Deveryn Well-Known Member

    The pet assist function works very well if you're seldom engaging different mobs.
  5. Sudedor Well-Known Member

    I found with my Conjuror that the simplest solution for me was to put the /pet attack command on a hotkey of it's own and I simply trained myself to periodically tap that key. I put it right next to Blazing Avatar since that spell always comes right before engaging. This works well in situations where you are assisting a tank who is switching targets as well. Just target the tank and by periodically tapping that key, you're keeping your pet on the right target.
  6. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    There used to be a Select Nearest Hostile option as one of the targeting keys, but apparently they merged that with Select Nearest NPC (which, unfortunately includes harvest nodes). o_O
    santargria likes this.
  7. santargria Well-Known Member

    Well thanks - doesn't seem to be the right decision lol
  8. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    It works well for harvesting (and shiny-collecting) macros, though.

    But yes, I'd love to have "target nearest attackable thing".

    I'd really really love "target nearest thing for whom I have threat > 0."

    I'd change my deity from "Brell" to "The Developers" for "target nearest thing for whom anyone in my group or raid has threat > 0."

    Players have only been asking for that sort of thing for 8 or 9 years, so I'm sure it'll be in the next update. :p
    santargria likes this.
  9. santargria Well-Known Member

    My harvesting macro actually gets multiple usage - I recently learned I can use it to pick up shinies - not sure what site I found it on, but it's a good one IMO and works great even if there is a mob on or near the resource:

    /usea Collecting

    Hope that helps someone
  10. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    If it makes you feel any better, you're a lot better off not using a macro like that, anyways. Targeting tends to enjoy prioritizing MOBs in adjacent rooms or otherwise across the zone over the ones beating your friends to a pulp, so it would probably just result in a lot if death for everybody involved.
  11. santargria Well-Known Member

    Actually since the game appears to be a mostly soloing game at the lower levels, killing group members isn't much of a problem - have no clue about the upper lvls yet
  12. Avianna Well-Known Member

    Best way is simply to tie it to one of your spells. That way you know your hitting the mob you wish to hit. Cause the closest one is not always the best one and in some situations will cause your toon and pet alike to come down with a serious case of death.
  13. Prrasha Well-Known Member

    Which is why I'd like a "target nearest/target next" set that are limited to mobs with aggro > 0. It makes no sense that you'd decide to focus on a rock 200 feet away when there's a wolf trying to gnaw your leg off...
    Avianna and santargria like this.
  14. The_Cheeseman Well-Known Member

    Preaching to the choir, my friend! A reliable targeting system is sorely lacking in this game.
    santargria likes this.
  15. santargria Well-Known Member

    Agreed - targeting in this game is sorely lacking since it makes the player do so much manual targeting/intervention and isolation of the mobs - not very efficient at all.
  16. Mae- Well-Known Member

    Only thing about targeting that I hate is that tab will only cycle thru your current encounter (if it has more than 1 mob) and not move on to other encounters. Even if you kill all but a single mob in an encounter, it will remain locked on that mob even if you have 10 others right around you. Annoying.
    Prrasha likes this.
  17. Avianna Well-Known Member

    but if a change comes in here I do NOT want to lose my ability to quickly target a node either as I am an avid harvester and love my harvesting macro. Just not while as stated before a wolf is gnawing my leg off.
  18. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Maybe they could separate the current implementation into Target Nearest Hostile, Target Nearest Non-hostile NPC, and Target Nearest Harvesting Node. Then you would be able to have the same capabilities as now, plus you could map them to different keys..
    Avianna likes this.
  19. Avianna Well-Known Member

    Sounds good to me :)