Personal EQ2 Characters Webpage

Discussion in 'Traveler's Tales' started by ARCHIVED-Shaylah Nox, Sep 4, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-Shaylah Nox Guest

    Hello All.
    In the midst of learning html, Java and php, I find that hands on is the easiest way to learn something.
    So I picked a topic to make a webpage out of and settled on making a charcters webpage for my EQ2 Characters
    and then just kept adding from there. Soo, check it out and let me know what you think. Any feedback is welcome.
    Keep in mind this is my first attempt at ever making a webpage as im learning, but I found it fun and wanted to
    share it with you all. You might find some of the information on the site helpful, like the complete list of Lore And
    Legend quests sorted by level and the most complete in game slash commands list available. Enjoy and thanks
    for checking it out.
  2. ARCHIVED-Kaco2 Guest

    WOW very cool wish I had time n patience to learn to do this stuff.
  3. ARCHIVED-Zindicatt Guest

    Very beautifully done indeed!
  4. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    I am a professional technical writer, and I will say that you've done a very nice job. You have done a nice job in setting up your CSS files and you have a crisp, clear presentation.
    I personally prefer that W3C certifications go somewhere small and at the bottom, myself.
    One thing to consider if you are doing a commercial or very public site is that you may want to increase contrast between text and background. There are a suprising number of men with red-green color blindness who might have a hard time with that red/orange pairing. Visibone makes an excellent color reference chart so you can consider this if you ever need to do a 508-compliant site for a client.
    Also, have you seen The /List Reloaded thread at More info on slash commands that may interest you!
    Nice job!