People already with full dreadnaught pvp gear, how?

Discussion in 'PvP & Battlegrounds' started by harpars, Nov 13, 2014.

  1. harpars Member

    Question really,

    I played for over 3 hours this morning in bg's and eventually got enough tokens to buy one bit of pvp gear. (1500 tokens)

    However there are players when I logged in this morning at 9am UK time, already with the full first tier of pvp gear (dreadnaught). How is this possible with the amount of down time and the fact that the games expansion is less than 48 hours old?

    Makes no sense I play for 3 hours and got 1 bit of gear and they have played for less than 2 days got a full set, jewelry,weapons,armor plus everything runed up as well.
  2. Tharrakor Well-Known Member

    I Heard somewhere that gear seperation was gone now?
  3. Creasote Well-Known Member

  4. Darksanity Member

    Well ummm Dreadnaught gear has been around for a looooooong time, so everyone has a full set of Dreadnaught gear lol.. Do you mean General gear or Master or Overseer? cause that's the new gear with expansion..
  5. Exur Well-Known Member

    Pretty sure new to BGs and didn't realize Dreadnaughts is old gear.
  6. harpars Member

    Sorry this my fault someone told me Dreadnaught was new.

    So basically if you come back to game, hit 100, you have to go back and waste the new tokens buying the old 95 gear before you can get the new gear? but you can guy the new jewelry direct at 100 without having to upgrade each time?
  7. Exur Well-Known Member

    Dreadnaught gear is the starting gear set now... all the previous gear is gone. One might say that people that grinded their life away getting Dreadnaught this past year are one step ahead of you. Just one little step.
  8. harpars Member

    Seems pointless, getting level 100s to go back and get level 95 gear.

    You wouldnt expect a new raider to go and get raid gear from the last expansion before they get gear from the current one.
  9. Pawder Active Member

    Brilliant move on SoE's part. There is a handful of players that this effects. whoop.
  10. harpars Member

    What you on about it effects every single new player and every returning player that did not get last expansion!
  11. Caith Developer

    All of the Tears of Veeshan Era pvp gear is still available from the 91-95 merchants in Champion's Respite, for the same currency.
  12. dingoPboy New Member

    Takes 9000coins now to get all six pieces of dread with a red slot already filled i did most my armor slots out just today the tier above dread level 100 gear is on a new coin level. I also swapped through four characters just to get the EXP and coins.

    Its best to just start on the new set instead of wasting 3k+ to upgrade you can also now add blue adorns to regular AOM pve armor if you buy the gem slot.
  13. harpars Member

    A new/returning player will not have loads of alts at 95 to do this.

    Forcing a level 100 to buy level 95 gear that has now meaningless stats is pointless.

    The general 100 gear should be available to buy directly like the jewelry is, total lack of consistency here im sorry to say.

    Why would soe make it harder for new/returning players to get into the game?
  14. Pawder Active Member

    Why would there be any new/returning players? Nothing has changed. Nothing that would bring back a player and nothing to hook a new player. Gear was just one problem of many over the years. Too many bad ideas and the lack of giving a crap about pvp is what killed Nagafen, long ago. I wouldn't worry about the gear, it's really not a deal breaker.
  15. Hollynator New Member

    Its a waste of time doing bgs in dread armor with old adornments against full overseer equipped people with the new adorns , they heve to take the exploited pieces away from them , its no fun getting oneshoted all the time because we need months getting equal equip the right way .