Peg legs don't make your leg pegged.

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Jymtarr, Dec 10, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Jymtarr Guest

    One of my friends bought me a Peg Leg of Plunder, and I was super pumped, because any swashbuckler without a peg leg is not living up to is full buckling potential. Unfortunately, when I equipped the item, it was just boots. it's so cool there are peg legs in the game, now I just want to be able to see my character pirated out.
  2. ARCHIVED-Thelahun Guest

    I don't think swashbucklers are meant to be pirates. They are supposed to be charming, and pirates usually aren't. Zorro is probably a better example.
  3. ARCHIVED-Jymtarr Guest

    Do a google on Swashbuckler, you get lots of pirate stuff. Swashbuckler is most definately associated with pirates. Not to mention pirates are SUPER charming, Didn't you see pirates of the Caribean? Captain Jack Sparrow was super charming.

    Not to mention Long John Silver, from treasure Island, he was most definately charming, a ****** bag, but charming. In the fantasy world, swashbuckling is associated with pirates, no denying that, and pirates are known to be charming scalliwags, at least the sort of good anti-hero ones, and since swashbuckers are only playable by good guys, I have to think this is sort of what they had in mind.

    Reguardless, my guy is most definately a pirate, and I still want my peg leg.
  4. ARCHIVED-Kaffis Guest

    Swashbucklers may be pirates, but pirates aren't swashbucklers.

    And, I would further stipulate that pirates with peg legs are almost by definition NOT swashbucklers. How agile and mobile are YOU with a pegleg? ;)

    Swashbuckling is all about style and swordsmanship. What you do with your spare time when not dancing around a brawl, flitting in and out, and generally being inventive with your surroundings (swinging from chandeliers, balancing on barrels, fighting from atop tables, etc), is your own business. But the peg leg will make most of the defining characteristics of swashbuckling combat rather difficult, where it doesn't preclude it entirely. :)
  5. ARCHIVED-Tehhu Guest

    not only does it just look like boots. But it looks like a pair of 80's calf covering striped socks that a jock from Revenge of the Nerds would wear.
  6. ARCHIVED-Chaws Guest

    My uncle Bill has a peg leg and he is highly agile.
  7. ARCHIVED-Jymtarr Guest

    Whoa whoa whoa, Long John Silver was a swashbuckler if there ever was one, and he had a peg leg. He opened up a lot of doors for peg legged swashbuckler wannabes. Definately a swashbuckler pioneer, who shattered stereotypes about how swahbuckling is viewed. Where were we again? oh yeah....I wanna peg leg.
  8. ARCHIVED-Nymh_the_Dark Guest

    Not to laugh at a lost limb...but

  9. ARCHIVED-Santsu Guest

    Long John Silver is a Brigand and a Pirate not a Swashbuckler.

    The scarlet Pimpernel, Zorro, The Three Musketeers they were swashbucklers. Oh and the guy from princess bride not the dread pirate but the other guy, You know " Hello my name is *, You killed my father prepare to die. :)
  10. ARCHIVED-Kaffis Guest

    Helped ya out, heh.
  11. ARCHIVED-Axterix Guest

    Of course, none of those swashbucklers run around in medium armor =(

    Would be nice if at some point they added class specific armors, then we could get poofy shirts and look properly swashbucklery. Mostly though, I want a musketeer hat, with a big feather, would look great on my Ratonga.
  12. ARCHIVED-Santsu Guest

    You have a point there, I like being able to wear medium armor becuase of the game mechanics but a nice musketeer hat would be the Bomb. :)
  13. ARCHIVED-Jymtarr Guest

    Long John SIlver wa s a swashbuckler!!!! (notice the exclamation points, I tihnk that settles any dispute there may have been)

    And I wasn't exactly thrilled about medium armor for a scout class, Chain mail is no joke, you can't sneak in that crap it's a little ridiculous. But whatevever, I don't care so much, as I tihnk it's just silly.
  14. ARCHIVED-TravisBickle Guest

    The Dread Pirate Roberts NOT a swashbuckler!? What world are you from? He gets kidnapped, returns to save his true love and destroy an evil tyrant [and helps Inigo Montoya avenge his father in the process] and this does not qualify him as a swashbuckler?
    Quit trying to tell everyone how it is when you clearly have no idea yourself.
  15. ARCHIVED-DautThunderbritches Guest

    The Dread Pirate Roberts is, without a doubt, most assureadly, a swashbuckler of the highest calliber. On the other hand, the fact that he is a swashbuckler AND a pirate does not mutually include these two categories. Some swashbucklers are pirates but not all pirates are swashbucklers.
  16. ARCHIVED-Santsu Guest

    I didnt accually mean that the dread pirate wasnt a swashbuckler I just meant that I wasnt talking about him but rather Inigo Montoya. He was a a swashbuckler but personally he was a little to perfect for my taste where as Inigo was filled with human frailty and still got the job done.
  17. ARCHIVED-Donandil/Taarak Guest

    Something interesting I thought you'd all like to know. :p
    The historical origin of "Swashbuckler", comes from the 16th or 17th century in Europe and England, where young men of a certain personality would walk around town wearing their swords, and their bucklers on the same belt just under their sword. As they strutted around, the sword scabbard would "swash" noisily along the buckler, with the effect being you always knew when one was coming. The term "Swashbuckler" was coined by the by more "proper" people, to describe these young guys who were always walking around looking for a fight, or acting "uncouth" in some other way. You could say that, historically, Swashbucklers were the punks and skateboarders of that era. :p
    Good luck, all!
    Best wishes, Rallian, soon to be Ratonga Swashbuckler of Oasis.
  18. ARCHIVED-Lonwen Guest

    Errol Flynn!

    Swashies and pirates are 2 separate groups, with a section of overlap.

    Pure Swashie- 3 musketeers, the foil carrying Robin Hoods
    Pure Pirate- Long John Silver, Yellowbeard
    Combos, Westley (Princess Bride), the "Errol Flynn" era pirates (Captain Blood, arrrr!)

    And dont talk to loud about Pirates, the Ninjas might hear (and we all know Norrath is infested with Ninjas from the AFK clan...)

    19 Rogue
  19. ARCHIVED-CaveTroll Guest

    Very true and very correct
  20. ARCHIVED-Aircool Guest

    IMO Han Solo from those Star Wars movies that I've heard of also can come under the Swashbuckler monika...It's not about parrots, peg legs eye patches and pointy foils or even Spiv 'tache's (although the 'tache is quite important).... It's all about your demeanor... A Rogue with a heart of gold who can cause as much damage with their wit as their weapon and has more cheek than a fat lass on a diet of lard pies:smileywink: