Patch notes, what does this mean.. really?

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Xurben, Nov 11, 2014.

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  1. Vainamoinen Well-Known Member

    No, I didn't miss your point. I was just pointing out that hypotheticals don't mean anything. The fact of the matter is that a player can easily trivialize the content in SS. I know you want a magical number that says we've officially out-leveled the mobs, but when the mechanics and the stats in the game have changed so ridiculously in a short span of time, that doesn't work anymore. If you're that needy for power-leveling, run Dungeon Makers. People were at lvl100 on Unrest in no more than a couple of hours.

    That is dumb, if it is the case. Regardless, something needed to be done with SS. It's just too bad there are ways around the roadblocks.
  2. Ruatha New Member

    HKC is giving massive xp ..... ignore the named and farm trash ... i was getting 4% a kill last night in a group of 3 just killing trash. we all 3 dinged 100 in about 4 hours. #justsayin
  3. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    Wait, wait, wait. So, in addition to reducing the xp gain from contested dungeons, they are barring players from entering the contested zone if they are above the intended level? o_O

    If not, and you are neither prevented from killing the mobs nor prohibited from looting the mob/chest drops, I fail to see how them nerfing the xp gain keeps you from hacking and/or slashing and gaining the level appropriate rewards from the old content. You won't get xp falling from the sky like you did before, but that is a completely separate issue from not receiving a reward for adventuring in a contested zone; you will still get a reward for it - just not the one that you want.

    The enjoyment of the zone is not inextricably tied to the extrinsic reward (e.g. coin, xp, gear, etc.) that one receives from it. I'm not making a value judgment about your character. I'm merely stating that the two concepts, although they can be related for some players (those players that are only extrinsically motivated and, to a lesser degree, those that are primarily extrinsically motivated*) they aren't related in the absolute sense (as that would imply that exactly zero players would continue to utilize the zone after the extrinsic rewards are reduced).

    * Meaning that they can find a few things to motivate them that are intrinsic**, but still have the vast majority of their motivators that are extrinsic***.
    ** Some examples of intrinsic rewards are things like zone aesthetics, emotional encounters (which can incorporate emotions such as horror, fear****, and amusement as well as the old standby: distress), unique mechanics, etc.
    *** This isn't implying that it is bad to be extrinsically motivated, just that when extrinsic motivators are the primary source of enjoyment, and an imbalance is introduced (which organically occurs with power creep), the player is responsible for either changing their favorite spot (so as to keep the rewards in line with the amount of effort) or finding intrinsic reasons to continue using their favorite spot. Or the player can decide to vote with their pocketbook, if the change is too much for them to bear*****.
    **** Fear being a related concept to, yet different from, horror.
    ***** In any case, /feedback is probably a more efficient way to make one's opinions known to the development team. Posting about it on the forums opens it up for discussion - both from people that agree with the person that posted it and those that don't.
  4. Loredena Active Member

    The change only applies to those over 95, and to some of the contested instances. Personally I suspect it is less about the fact of people powerleveling and more about where and how they powerlevel. Even before the expansion a group of 95s in Skyshrine could keep the zone cleared, preventing players who were actually encountering the content for the first time from working their way through it, think how much worse it would be with a group of 100s! There is still HHK, and they added new contested zones, which should help keep the 96+s happy while not making matters even worse for those not heading for max.

    Now, personally, I'd have upped the DM experience to encourage those who want to min/max the leveling to do it there rather than *any* of the contested zones, but that's just me.
  5. Raistlyn Active Member

    Even with the nerf (buddy and I are level 90) we saw people above 95 clearing skyshrine all night last night. Only 40 more aas until I can level again!
  6. Wellknownmember Active Member


    I posted here because I want to hear people's opinions, even yours, dear. Why do you fear my opinion so much that you basically have to tell me to shut up and go away? It's sad when someone posts on a forum and can't stand the opinions of others.

    When you're finished with your tantrum, I'm offer ((hugs))
  7. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    If that is how you interpreted my post, then you are seriously mistaken. All the part that you quoted (which isn't even close to the contents of my entire post) means is that if your goal is only to get your feedback to the devs, then /feedback is the most efficient means of doing so. If you want to get other opinions, then sure, bring it to the forums. But realize that others are not required to agree with you in order to post.

    Any emotion that you read into that statement was emotion that you brought with you. Next time, try reading things without preemptively assigning a tone to them. I'm not sure if the tone assignment that you gave it was intentional, or if you just naturally assume the worst from people that don't share your opinion, but if it was intentional, you might want to wait until the post from which you are drawing excerpts isn't viewable without the effort it requires to change pages. That way people can't just scroll up and see the source post (and coincidentally come to the realization that the part that you quoted is nothing more than an ancillary statement which is only tangentially related to the main portion of the post).

    But if you want to pretend that an ancillary comment is a tantrum, then go ahead. I'm certainly not going to put forth the effort to convince you otherwise, because (frankly) it isn't worth my time to do so.

    If you want to discuss the main portion of my previous post, then I'm willing to reply and continue the discussion. If you still want to focus solely on ancillary comments, then you are wasting both my time and yours. (Don't get me wrong, you can waste as much of your time as you desire.)

    Just a synopsis of the main point of my previous post:

    You aren't being prevented from entering the zone, so you can visit it as long as you enjoy running the content. However, there will be a point of diminishing returns. Just because you enjoy a certain zone to the exclusion of others does not mean that you should receive the same reward as those that do content from the current expansion. I enjoy SF and DoV content immensely, but I shouldn't reasonably expect that the rewards from doing that content should be even remotely equivalent to the rewards for doing current expansion content. And to avoid any confusion, is included as part of those rewards.
  8. Wellknownmember Active Member

    You really take yourself too seriously, dude. Chill. We disagree, so what? Will it end the world? No.

    I don't want to be punished for enjoying old content and you prefer to be punished if you spend time doing that. OK
  9. Pauly Well-Known Member

    given the reason for the Skyshrine nerf... why arn't Fabled ToV dungeons any better for xp?
  10. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    How, precisely, are you being punished? Please phrase your response in such a manner that it is unambiguous. Preferably with empirical data*.

    * IOW, exactly what you were receiving (for completing the content) prior to any changes compared to exactly what you receive for completing the content now.
  11. SOE-MOD-02 Member

    I am going to close this thread now as it is no longer constructive.
    Wellknownmember likes this.
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