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Past Expansion Items Marketplace Sale

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Aug 8, 2023.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    It’s time to spruce up your house with some paintings and more!

    A blue and aqua baby dragon, Painting: Tears of Cazic-Thule, Queen Antonia Bayle Statue, Journeyman's Boots

    Over 500 years ago, the gods abandoned Norrath causing The Rending and The Shattering. As pieces of Luclin fell to the lands, they in turn caused even greater destruction. Here’s a replay of the original 2004 Trailer of Shattered Lands.
    Check out the Shattered Lands – Special Editions Rewards bundle which includes the following items:

    • Journeyman’s Boots
    • A wrapped painting – your choice of one of the following:
      • Tears of Cazic-Thule
      • The Power of Lucan
      • Feral Protector
      • Dream of Innovation
      • Have no Fear
      • Defenders of the Overlord
      • Dawn: The Blackburrow Bridge
      • Search for Redemption
      • Guidance of the Spires
      • Rebuilding Norrath
      • Empress Anassa of the Oakmyst
    • A wrapped statue
      • Queen Antonia Bayle Statue
    • A dragon egg – your choice at one of the following:
      • A blue and aqua baby dragon
      • A blue and pink baby dragon
      • a cyan and green baby dragon
      • a gold and pink baby dragon
      • a green and purple baby dragon
      • a maroon and blue baby dragon
      • an orange and blue baby dragon
      • a pink and green baby dragon
      • a purple and green baby dragon
      • a red and tan baby dragon
      • a yellow and mint baby dragon
    An Unusual Bottle, Painting: the docks at sunset, a pet monkey, a Maj'Dul Gazing Orb

    On to the arid, burning sands and the shining jewel known as Maj’Dul. The Desert of Flames expansion took us across cliffs of epic heights to shifting sands and hidden tombs. Check out the Trailer for Desert of Flames!
    The Desert of Flames – Special Edition Rewards bundle, which includes the listed items, will be available in the marketplace:
    • A monkey collar – your choice of one of the following:
      • a pet monkey
      • a black pet monkey
      • a brown pet monkey
      • a gold pet monkey
      • a crimson pet monkey
      • a sandy brown Pet monkey
      • a silver pet monkey
      • a tan pet monkey
      • a white pet monkey
    • A Maj’Dul Gazing Orb
    • a wrapped up painting – your choice of one of the following:
      • the docks at sunset
      • Maj'Dul: a single tear
      • The enclosure at Pet's Palace
      • Eternity's tomb unveiled
    • An Unusual Bottle
    Aviak Hatchling House Pet, a bladed whirlygig, a green Carnivorous Plant

    And last, but far from least, we venture to awe-inspiring heights in the Overrealm and traipse across the lush continent of Faydwer. Check out the Trailer for Kingdom of Sky and the Trailer for Echoes of Faydwer.
    The Kingdom of Sky and Echoes of Faydwer – Special Edition Rewards bundle contains the following items:
    • Aviak Hatchling House Pet
    • Carnivorous Plant – your choice at one of the following:
      • A green Carnivorous Plant
      • A blue Carnivorous Plant
      • A red Carnivorous Plant
      • A vibrant Carnivorous Plant
    • Clockwork Whirlygig – your choice of one of the following:
      • A bladed whirlygig
      • a whirlygig worker
      • a whirlygig welder
    This sale begins today and ends on August 22, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. PDT, so be sure to grab what you want before then!

    Join us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.

  2. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    Is the Lucan D'Lere statue not included in the wrapped statue? I already have Antonia from when the game started, but this promotion seems to indicate that it will only be her that you get.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  3. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    It is only Antonia Bayle.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    I wonder why? I hope there's not some legal permissions issue preventing Christopher Lee's voice lines from being heard again. That just seems... odd.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Geroblue like this.
  5. Zoe1 Member

    Not for sale on Public Test server :(
  6. Sweety D Well-Known Member

    TAKE MY MONEY!!!! Thank you for this. :)
  7. Hartsmith Well-Known Member

    *sigh* I should be thankful that none of the prestige homes are up for sale (yet?). Alas, money is tight this month, and I already have or still get most of the items in this list.

    However...BABY DRAGONS!!!!
    Do I really need to eat this month as badly as I need those dragons?
  8. Test Taffies Active Member

    Oh NOES... please give test access to this wonderfulness.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Feara like this.
  9. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    Not interested, so far.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  10. Evilary Well-Known Member

    I didn't see where it said, is this a one set of items or does it flag your account per character? I like the baby dragon but that's a little rich for my blood this month, especially if it's just one dragon. You can get the statue with loyalty points or something as I have several of them. You can get a pair of journeyman boots to sit in your house from the heritage quest. The paintings might be ok, but it's really the dragon.
  11. Cusashorn Well-Known Member

    You're buying the whole package for one toon. The paintings, dragon, statue. EVERYTHING. Also, it's not the same J-Boots from the HQ.

    Edit: Also, I don't believe it's the same statue from the loyalty vendor. Does that one have voice clips you can activate?
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  12. Evilary Well-Known Member

    All I asked was if it was per character or account flagged. I have the KOS and it was account flagged when I bought the expansion. Seemed like a reasonable question and not an excuse for you to pop in and make it seem like I am clueless on the process. I know it’s all items, I just mentioned I only wanted the set for the dragon. And I’m not 100% sure where I got my statues but they do talk and look just like the one in the set.
  13. Aelissa Well-Known Member

    Believe they were just trying to answer your question hun. It's one pack for one character, like the other packs, or the crafting table/merchant crate packs.
    You guys are SUPER lucky to be able to get these like this, we had to stand in line for HOURS to get the collectors edition boxes at the game stores, waiting for them to unbox the games for us to buy, in person!
    <3 hope you enjoy your dragon when you buy it, they are adorable, my original was the cyan and green baby dragon, his name is Willow and I can't even remember what house he's walking around in.

    *MY QUESTION: Are they going to be tradeable, or no trade, like the items in the packs, or tradeable after a period of time like merc crates ect?*
  14. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yeah, why not him as well? :-/

    How many loyal followers of D'Lere want that puling sissy "queen" of Antonica (though Uwk here and the Good Hordelings don't mind honoring Herself! :D), except for maybe as target practice -- ah. ;->

    Okay, never mind... :D

    Aelissa likes this.
  15. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Okay, that sucks. How else do you expect to test this idea to see if it works? Like, before it was released?? :-/

    Granted, it's a hodgepodge of older items that are known to work, but still. :-/

  16. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Excellent question. :-/

    who was the direct recipient of whatever "Account Only" goodies there were for the longest time (back when there were only around 21 Hordelings, total [7 in Crushbone, 7 in Test, 7 on Splitpaw], back when Protoplasm Ruled Norrath ['cause the Dinosaur analogy doesn't work ;->])... ;->
  17. Feara Well-Known Member

    Yes! It was awesome and the conversations you could strike up with other Gamers while you were waiting.
    Good days gone by.
  18. Unayan Active Member

    LOL, I agree you could but I'm an introvert so don't talk to me. If ya do I'd just have a anxiety attack. o_O
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  19. Feara Well-Known Member

    Well, that's pretty understandable in today's world, you never know when someone will just go postal.
    When people will give you death stares just because you glanced their way... there's just no communicating with that.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Unayan like this.
  20. Breanna Well-Known Member

    That's a bit harsh they were just trying to help.
    Siren, Uwkete-of-Crushbone and Feara like this.