Paradise Cove (rum runners)

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by thulia, Jul 10, 2015.

  1. thulia Active Member

    I just fell in love with this house and had to have when it came out and now it's finally done. Pls come visit in person since i didn't wanted to post to many pictures so only posting a few from the interior of the houses and don't forget to leave a vote if you like what i've done, thanks and enjoy the tour.

    Rum Runnes Cove
    server everfrost
    south freeport
    owner Thulia
    leaderboards under massive homes Paradise Cove

    the village








    the beach with marketplace, dance area and much more











  2. thulia Active Member








    and the lover's cove










    thank you all for checking it out, hope you liked it
  3. Geden Well-Known Member

    Such a lovely place! Too bad I cannot go visit (full character slots). Lots of unique details and great use of house actors, especially your gazebo theme. Both gazebos are very outdoorsy and distinct, yet not overdone; my favorite has to be the romantic last enclosure. Great job, I can see why you fell in love with the zone - you probably saw this very design in your mind when looking at it :)
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  4. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Awesome place! I'm curious about it myself! :D

    Hey, Geden, from what I hear, what Niboota does to visit places where she doesn't have a character yet, is she gets those temporary trial 90th level characters that are free or something? You only have to pay through the nose for them if you want to get to level 91 or so (having never done it, I'm not sure of the facts)?

    And there's always the Bronze accounts; granted, there's only 2 character slots available, but the 4 I took on I kicked up to Silver for $5 each back when we could, so now I have 4 character slots per account, and 4 accounts.. :)

    who really, really misses Silver account availability... :(
  5. Dannnni Active Member

    This looks really cute....Going to see if I can move some stuff around to visit in person.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Charlice Well-Known Member

    /gobsmacked. just WOW! I must visit.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.