Overplayed, but how is the demand?

Discussion in 'Shadowknight' started by ARCHIVED-Creutzpheldt, Feb 27, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Creutzpheldt Guest

    I understand that SK's are extremely overplayed, but does that mean its hard for them to find groups for anything?
    What I mean is, if 1 SK is already in the group, is it pointless to take another? If one is tanking, can another one DPS instead or will he be a hindrance?
    I'm having a hard time finding a good melee DPSer that isn't a Scout, cause I don't like all the positionals with scouts unless I'm duoing with someone who can hold all the threat.
    I would like to be a SK cause I have one at level 17 and I think he's a lot of fun, but I hear how overplayed they are. I don't want to level one up and find out I'll have a really hard time finding a group to do anything cause there's tons of them at the end game.
  2. ARCHIVED-RafaelSmith Guest

    Creutzpheldt wrote:
    Its true that SKs are overplayed.......just goes with the territory of being the FOTM class. But, it makes the good ones stand out. If your that 1 in 100 SKs that actually understands what it means to play a tank then you will have no issues finding groups. Server reputation is a great thing.....with a popular class like SK it doesnt take long before everyone knows which are the good ones and which are the scrubs that rolled just cause the class is perceived as being OP.
    Really true about every class but more true for overplayed class like SK.
  3. ARCHIVED-AziBam Guest

    Creutzpheldt wrote:
    If I'm reading your overall point correctly, you are asking if you can run an SK as a dps class and get groups. While anything is possible on occasion, I'd have to say that the overall answer is, no. We are a tank class. Generally speaking, just like any of the other plate fighters, people expect us to be tanking. Two Sks in a group is less than ideal. The same is generally true of any class though.
    If you are ok with being the tank for the group then you are fine. In my experience, it's not like the field of available toons is so overrun with SKs that you can't form up a group without having two or three SKs hopping in.
  4. ARCHIVED-Terron Guest

    Creutzpheldt wrote:
    Have a look at a swashie.
    They do have some positionals, but not that many. One is frontal/flank. They can also get an ability to force an enemy to turn his back.
  5. ARCHIVED-DwarvesRUs Guest

    I joined an instance on my SK last night as dps/offtank.
    I'm level 80 in T1, using the level 77 MC jewelry, and a little legendary weapon, and have a mere 148 AA's. I haven't yet "re-geared" for the stat changes so my STR is under 1000 and my INT is over 700 still, in spite of being completely useless now. IOW, I'm far from "uber."
    I was generally 2nd on the parse, behind the myth'd level 84 warlock, and did from 2500-4000 dps, depending on the fight. And I offtanked adds too.
    Sure the group wasn't "ideal" but we did what we set out to do, and I definitely "earned my slot" regardless.
    The point of this anecdote is: Play what you want. You'll be able to get groups. If the SK is the most fun for you, then that's what you should play.