Order or Rime Faction issue

Discussion in 'General TLE Discussion' started by Mesander, Mar 3, 2019.

  1. Mesander Member

    So I was progressing at a steady pace through the DOV content; following the DOV timeline guide on eq2.zam.com

    Because I power-leveled my toon hard the last couple of weeks to take advantage of the server bonus xp, I skipped over some of the RoK content. I took some time and figured out that I had already completed all of the quests at Dreg's Landing in Kylong. So I picked up the quests at Sathir's Span in Fens of Nathsar to get the Order of Rime faction going. I did all quests there, in Riliss (got my illusion), and finally the quest givers and all the repeatables from The Sheet in the northern extreme of Fens. Wearing my illusion, I worked up my faction to +24,550 (status: Kindly) before being told to go to Jarsath Wastes and start doing quests there. All was good right? Wrong! After completing the first quest given by Tuuak Eiylorn, I checked my faction again and it had dropped to +350 (status: indifferent). WHAT?!?! All that grinding of repeatable quests in Fens and POOF! GONE! You've gotta be kidding me!

    Did that really happen or am I missing something here? All I want to do is get it done and get back to DOV content. Does someone know something that I don't?
  2. Breanna Well-Known Member

    iirc the illusion works up to a point with faction after you reach where you aren't KOS I believe you have to work up from there, like the illusion won't add to your faction anymore. I could be misunderstanding what you are saying sorry if I am. There are also quest in the jungle you can do before Jarseth.
  3. Mesander Member

    I think I understand what you are saying...so in this case, whether I have the illusion on or not it makes no difference and therefore resets the faction? that seems to be the case here...kinda sucks though. I thought I was close to being ready to go back DOV.
  4. Breanna Well-Known Member

    That is what I'm remembering I want to say it was -2000 and you didn't get the bonus. I could be totally wrong though and things change 100 times throughout all the expansions.
  5. Mesander Member

    Well, for reasons I cannot explain, I logged in this morning and went over to Jarsath Wastes to the Rime camp by the river; there were 2 quests available by Storn Yeldree; after completing those Tuuak Eiylorn had another quest for me to do. In addition, there are 5 repeatable quests I can now pickup. The only difference between today and yesterday was that yesterday I was mentored. Each of the quests I picked up are for 2K+ faction...

    I should have faction with the Rime in no time now.

    Shrugs...I give up.
    Breanna likes this.
  6. Kalika Well-Known Member

    I had some decent Rime faction, i wanted the items, but they were crap so i gave up ... and just planned to may be the icy mount some day.

    Now with velious i cleared FPools, Ascent and the fortress or rime, i m not yet KoS but i will probably loose all my faction very quicly.

    Is there a way to avoid loosing faction ?
  7. Breanna Well-Known Member

    Nope! LOL most of the quest were repeatable though if you don't want to become KOS with them just kick out a few more.
  8. Pone the Wonderhorse Member

    Does the faction mask only work in some zones?
  9. Kalika Well-Known Member

    It is game over, you need 40k to start the quest line ... i m around 15 k ..
  10. Breanna Well-Known Member

    You should still be able to do the repeatables like in Kunzar and/or Jarseth to build your faction back up.
  11. Nimbrithil Member

    The faction mask works in all zones, In fact you have to have the mask activated in order to even do the Rime faction quests in DOV.

    Quickest and easiest way to get to the 40k faction mark with Rime is to get the mask then follow the questline till you get the rep eatables in Kunzar Jungle right by the zone in to Fens. You get 3 quests to fill containers for 1600 faction each that can be completed in like 5 minutes

    Also at the end of the Rime faction line you get a quest that gives you 4k City of Thurgadine faction which seems to be the only way other than the "shard" quests in Fortressof Rime to get above 10 with Thurgadin