Fixed Internally One character of mine dies everytime I zone into ZB

Discussion in 'Resolved' started by Altho, Dec 3, 2023.

  1. Altho Well-Known Member

    This is something that has gone on since RoS, he dies zoning into places, sometimes get placed way across the zone also, or under the world. Only happens to this one character. I've tried a clean install, default UI, I even logged him on another PC and still, dies on zoning. Anyway this expansion its ZB and any zone that is made out of a chunk of land from ZB (solos etc). So I was told to post here for help, I would really like this resolved, if a dev wants to log him in please let me know so you can see this for yourself. Thank you for your time.
    Twyla, Toryi, Taled and 2 others like this.
  2. MikeBob2023 Active Member

    What a nightmare. I hope they're able to chase this one down and get it fixed for you.

    *fingers crossed*
    Dalphy Sweetleaf likes this.
  3. Altho Well-Known Member

    Thanks man, me too, sucks theres so many zones in ZB so tons of deaths trying to go in and out of these solos lol.
    Dalphy Sweetleaf likes this.
  4. Dalphy Sweetleaf New Member

    So sorry to hear this is happening to you, I hope someone addresses it soon.
  5. Toryi Member

    I am having the same issue. Only on ONE toon (my main) and it also started last xpak. It is beyond frustrating and I have tried all I know to do to fix it just like you have. I want to play her in BOZ but I really don't have the patience. I zone into ZB from Splendor and end up on Isle of Wisdom. I zone to Wroughtlands and instantly die. The solo zone in Nek also was instant death. It happens more often than not, to the point that if I don't die or end up somewhere random, I am shocked lol.
    Again, only on this one toon, everyone else does just fine.
    Thank you to any and all for some help with this issue.
    Also, only a new member to the forums, I have played since launch.
    Twyla likes this.
  6. Melt Actually plays the game

    I know this one!! Have you completed the Chaos Descending signature questline?

    There is a specific quest in the CD questline that bugs out if left half completed, the one where you fight Najena on the island. It causes this bug.
    Juraiya, Twyla, Taled and 1 other person like this.
  7. Toryi Member

    Melt, you are my hero. I missed that xpak and I believe, iirc that I tried part of it..but never finished. I will go check her journal.
    So, if it is there, do you think just deleting the quest will fix the issue or do I need to go do the entire sig line? So appreciate your response! DB tried to help me a few months back, but we got nowhere with this.

    My journal is showing Elements of Destruction: Pure Adventure is NOT complete
    Signature Level 110 in Eryslai: The Bixie Hive

    well I deleted the quest and the issues seems to be resolved. I cannot thank you enough for your help! This issue has made the game agonizing and I am thrilled to be able to zone again. You are a rock star!
    MikeBob2023 likes this.
  8. Altho Well-Known Member

    Melt, thank you, this seems to have done the trick!
    Devs: you really should fix this, its a terrible bug to deal with over the years.
    Toryi likes this.
  9. Altho Well-Known Member

    The quest in the sigline is called:
    Elements of Destruction: Planes of Disorder

    and it was the last fight as you said in Vegarlson: Ruins of Rathe
    Toryi likes this.
  10. Yenk Active Member

    Yes.. it is an unwritten law in Norrath that you should complete all signature quest lines obediently.
    Juraiya likes this.
  11. Kaitheel Developer

    What a massive help that was, Melt! Thank you!

    I've confirmed this was an issue with fight steps in both "Elements of Destruction: Pure Adventure" and "Elements of Destruction: Planes of Disorder", and I've got fixes for them working through our internal pipeline. Watch the update notes for when the fixes hit live.

    ~ Kaitheel
    Toryi, Breanna, Melt and 5 others like this.
  12. Toryi Member

    Thank you Kaitheel!!! Yes, cheers to Melt!
    Rattophaxe likes this.