On the subject of wings...an idea.

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-TorrynWoodsrunner, Aug 7, 2012.

  1. ARCHIVED-TorrynWoodsrunner Guest

    Okay, so we've been given a plethora of wings to allow our characters to fly. Feathered wings, Leathery wings, Tinkered wings. Most are rather nicely done. And while I'm not a big fan of the SC costs on the Marketplace wings, that's not what this post is about.
    The introduction of all the various wings has opened up areas (especially in the RP arena) where people are wanting to roleplay winged beings. As in they have wings all the time. And aren't Fae or Arasai. Genetic anomalies such as winged Iksar, or Koada'Dal who have been magically altered. The origins are as myriad as the players. However, the wings are considered a mount, and therefore vanish when in indoor areas such as houses or instances.
    What I propose is that the wings be expanded to include an Appearance-only cloak item that duplicates the wings in their closed or relaxed position. This would allow the player to use the wing mounts, yet retain the wings without the mount, for seamless play as a winged being.
    I'm not sure how difficult this would be, but I'm guesstimating that it would only require duplicating the wing item, removing the animation hooks, and changing it from a mount to a wearable cloak. People who have already purchased or redeemed wings would find the matching appearance cloaks in their inventory, while future purchasers would acquire both at purchase.
    As one of the players who has a couple of toons this would apply to, I'd be far more inclined to purchase additional wings for other toons if this idea became real. I'm sure other players would find it more enticing as well.
  2. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    This has been asked for before, and I still think it is a FANTASTIC idea. I have a character in mind that could use this immensely.
  3. ARCHIVED-TorrynWoodsrunner Guest

    kelvmor wrote:
    I'm glad I'm not the only one thinking along these lines. Hey Tom, any thoughts on the logistics of such an idea? Not asking you or anyone to commit to anything, just hypothetically, how difficult would it be?
  4. ARCHIVED-ttobey Guest

    It's really not anything I can do, it's on the code side. They would have to be somehow coded to not work as mounts.
    I wonder if I could force a folded wings to work in the appearance slot, it would almost have to be a cloak. I will talk to Covic about this.
  5. ARCHIVED-TorrynWoodsrunner Guest

    ttobey wrote:
    That's exactly what I was thinking, an appearance cloak of the folded wings. It would be perfect for those folks who want the wings all the time.
    I've been using the pegasus flight wings, and the Pegasus Feather Cloak in appearance slot. It's not perfect, but it -almost- looks like the cloak expands into the wings.
    Thanks for looking into it Tom!
  6. ARCHIVED-Pengefinchess Guest

    Grafting wings onto creatures to make them fly doesnt work - Isaac Dan Der Grimnebulin has done much research into this (read Perdido Street Station)... so burn them all!!
  7. ARCHIVED-shadowscale Guest

    Pengefinchess@Splitpaw wrote:

    and in related news i want proper dragon wings....
  8. ARCHIVED-TorrynWoodsrunner Guest

    Okay, I had another thought about this subject early this morning. TTobey or Covic, think you could chime in on the viability of this thought?
    You know how some of the SCMP and Crafted backpacks, you can right-click them and 'Set as Appearance'? Could -that- code mechanic be applied to the flight wings, so we could right-click them and 'Set as Appearance'?
    If it works the way I'm thinking, it would eliminate the need to re-work the mount as a seperate cloak slot appearance item. I'm just clueless as far as whether the backpack code could be easily migrated to work with mounts from the mount window.
    Tom? Covic? Hypothetically speaking...could it work?
  9. ARCHIVED-covic Guest

    I would rather have a code solution. I talked to Tom and I wouldnt want players to have to do any swapping on their side. It doesnt seem right to make you guys have to click on something to show your wings. It would be cool if we could have a way to flag mounts such as wings to never disappear and just go to an idle state. I would want it to feel seemless and natural for you guys, extra clicking is bad.
  10. ARCHIVED-Mccar42 Guest

    shadowscale wrote:
    can we get scissors to cut off other players wings!? /evilgrin

    but really, I would like a hide all wings feature...
    I just do not like the whole wing idea. It just makes no sense, save for the tinkered wings which are mechanical.
    I would rather have people running through the sky with a float-like spell than a set of wings. Atleast THAT would make sense, more so than a troll suddenly having wings that can lift himself into the air.

    but anyway its like this already so i got to accept it..
  11. ARCHIVED-kelvmor Guest

    Ragefighter@Permafrost wrote:
    Well, there are a lot of cloaks and items that could give someone wings from an in-character standpoint. A cloak that can turn into giant bat wings allowing the wear to fly, or a feathered cloak turning in to giant bird wings.
  12. ARCHIVED-TheSpin Guest

    Isn't the simple solution to simply offer up all wings as wing "packs" and inside each pack is the mount version for flying and also a cloak appearance version?
    I mean it might not be the most high-tech fancy solution, but it would do the job.

    One other small addition... any wing appearance item should be flagged in a way that if you have wings in appearance slot summoning a mount version of wings will use the wing graphic from the appearance slot.