On chain mail bikinis ;)

Discussion in 'Look and Feel' started by ARCHIVED-adolf102, Jun 4, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    EtoilePirate wrote:
    I simply cannot resist pointing out that, for example, the steelweave gi for bruisers (the bruiser's starting gi style) actually becomes MORE concealing on a female. By that standard, the female bruiser should have nothing but a couple of thin straps covering the ends of her bosom (the male actually doesn't even have that). An extreme example, yes, but it IS applicable.
    What they should do is make the original Blissful Awareness available again. People were coming to Qeynos (for the quest in the Caves that gave the garment as a reward) to aquire this at level 60 (the level cap at the time). It was brief without being scandalous, revealing without being red-light, and any non-mage could wear it. Re-introduce the graphic as a cloth appearance slot item, making it an option (and thus, not a requirement for a garment with awesome stats) for anyone who cares to put it on.
    SOE removed it, replacing the graphic with a potato sack garment (and that is being generous), along with a pack of half-baked excuses and outright lies as to why they did it. The reasons they gave were met largely with "So what? I want it back!" The coding is there, but will they do it? Most likely not - irrationally stubborn pride and Taliban-esque prudishness will undoubtedly prevail.
  2. ARCHIVED-adolf102 Guest

    Deadrus wrote:
    Eh original footage is great. Wish devs will revisit this topic. It would add so much to the game. Even as end game - grind for batterns, mats and plats for pure visual delight ;)
    On up note they invitested much time into Shaders 3.0 (thanks!) so who knows maybe we will get more armors too!
  3. ARCHIVED-Reiisha Guest

    WeatherMan wrote:
    Pics for those who don't know what it looked like?
  4. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    Xirtharri@Antonia Bayle wrote:
    Photobucket is not my friend, but I found a pic online...let's see if I can get it to work....


    Edit: Success!
    The week following the introduction of this garment, the High Shaman of the Rockpaw was THE most heavily camped mob in the entire game, across all servers.
    The question thus becomes: How many of you ladies would wear this? This is the same graphic as the old Bruiser class armor (which was replaced by the Steelweave Gi, which is the same graphic as the bruiser starting armor nowadays). Were my gnomette not a dumpy, middle-aged clothie, I still wouldn't...not in her character mindset. Were I to make, say, a berserkerette or druidess, yes, I think the garment would be most fitting (pun very much intended).
  5. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    My Halasian girls want kilts. Specifically:
  6. ARCHIVED-PC Guest

    I feel inclined to point out, in a reality where swords and arrows abound, do you reaaallllyyy want to be wearing clothing/armor that exposes skin? Cmon, if you get skimpy clothing, you should suffer some hardcore mitigation reduction.
  7. ARCHIVED-Seidhkona Guest

    Isuldor@Nagafen wrote:
    Actually, a kilt is pretty good leg armor. The volumnious folds of wool can actually not only protect the leg against a sword blow, the dratted thing will wrap the sword and trap it for a second or two sometimes.
    And even in real-world battle situations, people have chosen comfort over protection. Harald hardraða and his men lost the Battle of Stamford Bridge in part because it was a hot day and the Norse were throwing aside their armor, including removing chain shirts.
    But honestly, we're in a world in which wizards can get cloth armor that will stand up to endgame raid mobs. I am pretty sure a fashionable chainmail bikini or other skin-revealing garments can have enchantments built in that will extend protection over the exposed bits!
  8. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    Sigrdrifa@Lucan DLere wrote:
    Passive enchantments in armor would pretty much cover this issue.
    At this time, characters can swim in a full suit of plate (a patent impossibility in real life), get stomped on by giants and survive (giants don't actually exist as portrayed by Sony), throw fireballs (I'd love it if this were actually possible in the real world), and have survived a combined tectonic cataclysm and an exploding moon, which would amount to Extinction Level Events on Earth.
    A Red Sonja 'suit' of armor becomes quite conceivable next to things like that.
  9. ARCHIVED-Beef_Supreme Guest

    Enchantments make the armor work...
    To totally nerd out here, I liked the explanation given in the book Azure Bonds, where the cover itself shows the main character, Alias, wearing the standard cleavage exposing chain top.
    It may be in one of the later books, but she argues with the Paladin Dragonbait about wearing the chain top.. his argument is that it's immodest, and she argues back that even though so much skin is exposed, the heavy enchantments on it lead blows to fall on the magical chain parts, for little to no effect, thus making it more effective than the most confining (and covering!) of heavy plate armor.
    In Fantasy settings like Forgotten Realms or Norrath, there is no ground to stand on when trying to argue about realism. Magic is magic, and thus covers all the details. Don't argue the trivial, just relax and enjoy some eye candy on occasion.
  10. ARCHIVED-Hamervelder Guest

    Isuldor@Nagafen wrote:
    In many ancient cultures, warriors fought naked, or very close to it. Ergo, heavy armor is not necessarily a requirement for survival in battle.
  11. ARCHIVED-Jrral Guest

    Isuldor@Nagafen wrote:
    My berserker can carry several tons according to the game. If someone that strong hits you with a 36" steel club, armor isn't going to help you. If the blade doesn't go through the armor (and the body inside), the impact alone will kill you. Unless of course the armor's enchanted or something. And if it's enchanted, then probably the enchantment's all that's really needed. The rest of the armor's just carrier for the enchantment, and for that silk works just as well as impervium-unobtainium alloy plate.
    Consider aerogel. It weighs virtually nothing, it's all but transparent, and it'll crumble if you press on it hard. Yet a half-inch of the stuff will completely insulate you from thousand-degree open flames.
  12. ARCHIVED-LordFyre Guest

    WeatherMan wrote:
    Actually, you can throw fireballs in real life. Most people call it thermite grenades.
    WeatherMan wrote:
    The Red Sonja "Armored Bikini" has one advantage in a world with Dragons and Giants. With the colossal damage such a creature could do, the best defense would be avoiding the attack altogether. The armored bikini would be nearly weightless; however, the suit of plate would be heavy and restricting (and uncomfortable) which slows down the wearer considerably.
    Now, of course, being a computer avatar, none of that matters. What matters in the character's avoidance, mitigation and encumbrance numbers. And, if the "chainmail bikini" type item were appearance only, no-one could be forced to wear one against the player's will.
    Bonus would be adding the option of a chainmail halter, heavy belt, and a short kilt ...
  13. ARCHIVED-WeatherMan Guest

    LordFyre wrote:
    *ties LordFyre to a chair and forces him to listen to William Shatner's Greatest Hits*
    There...that'll teach you, smartypants.
    The rest of the post...yeah, pretty much spot-on.
    In truth, what I would most like to see is, oh, the stuff they featured on the box art. Maybe import some updated EQLive outfits - appearance-wise, that is ( I doubt each and every single piece has just gone *POOF* ). And expand Armorsmith and Tailoring to be able to make more than simply re-colored versions of the same outfits. Yes, I know all of those are just dreams and fantasy, but what the heck - nothing ventured, nothing gained.
  14. ARCHIVED-Verrie77 Guest

    There is actually somthing kilt-ish ingame. There is an Npc in the bruiser-epic-quest. I ran in to him the other day, guess someone was around doing the quest. And it looked like he had a skirt of some kind, looked really cool.
    Wish I had taken a screenshot when I bumped into him.