OMGz! We got a real dev response on the beta forums!

Discussion in 'Warlock' started by ARCHIVED-Kuvala, Aug 29, 2005.

  1. ARCHIVED-Arrowheart Guest

    Just wanted to update that our power conversion and feed spells was almost corrected back to before they removed int bonus. Also of note is that int bonus is back, and while not on par with how it was previously it is somewhat noticable.

    New figures for the power conversions/feeds:

    Grisly Contract Master 2 = 307 hps to 188 power (previously 193)
    Painful Med Master 2 = 87 hps to 54 power (previously 55)
    Strength of the Void Master 2 = 38 hps to 26 power instantly and for four 4s ticks (previously 27)

    Just my opinion but these really should give at least 100% ratio at master 1 and slightly better at master 2 / 3. I'm not saying that they need to increase the power returns except maybe slightly on master 2 / 3, it could easily be solved by simply lowering the health cost involved instead.
  2. ARCHIVED-Hardjards Guest

    Hmm with the overall changes to combat power regen, the lowering of all sac lines and changes they have made to Battlement/RoI/GEBS/Prism I am even more concerned that or AOE spell lines are going to hurt us badly, considering we are going to have to use them soloing and they are EXPENSIVE! I agree the numbers there look pitaful, but I guess that I am currently used to my adept 3 grisly giving me 400 odd. Will really hurt to get a master 2 and get half the mana :)