Old player thinking about playing again

Discussion in 'Monk' started by ARCHIVED-DarkTranscendent, Nov 9, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-DarkTranscendent Guest

    Played EQ2 up to level 45ish as a monk, i freaking loved it, watching my characters combat look like he was just destroying things.

    Anyway I quit this game around the time Desert of Flames came out(shortly before), and I have some questions if anyones willing to take the time to answer.

    Is it worth coming back?(Is the game fun still/now?)
    Will I have a hard time leveling up?(Hard to find groups etc./Can I level through solo quests/grinding effectively while I wait)
    Should I buy any of the expansions yet at level 45?
    How are monks doing?(Someone was telling me a few months ago that monks were going through a hard time which put me )
    Are monks mainly tanks still or have they been shifted towards dps?

    Thats about all I can think of for now, I really appreciate it to those who respond.

  2. ARCHIVED-x0rtrunks Guest

    I left at lvl 60 shortly before kingdom of sky came out and just recently came back. It was worth coming back for me. Things certainly have changed a lot and it took some getting used to, but I would say that the game as a whole is in much better shape and is still improving as it always has. I've had lots of fun since coming back and look forward to playing for a while to come. Leveling seems to be much easier now. Everything you do is a lot more rewarding now than you may have been used to. For instance, before I left, the grind from 50 to 60 was a painful one. Flash forward nearly two years and 60 to 70 was pretty quick. It took about a month or so playing maybe 5 or 6 hours a week, sometimes more. I would definately suggest getting the expansions. Even at lvl 45 you will get access to the AA point system, as well as many new areas to adventure in. If you only have original content you may find yourself limited in the amount of groups you can get. Plus the expansions are actually really well done and add a lot of value to the game. On the bright side though, it's incredibly easy to get the expansion now. The Kunark expansion is like 1 week away and if you get a retail box or download you get all the expansions and adventure packs for the same price as the new expansion alone. It's an incredibly good deal for people just starting or returning to the game. Monks are doing ok. Not everyone is happy, but we're functional, and we're a lot better off now than we were when i quit the game. There's a lot more gear available, I've rarely had trouble finding a group because of my class, and people typically are very receptive to having a monk tank. You'll still find the occasional jerk, but at least now you can prove them wrong. The monk class is still intended to be a tank class and there is no real indication that this will be changing any time soon. We make excellent group tanks, and can solo very well. Raid tanking is ever elusive though, which may or may not bother you. If tanking isn't your thing, we make excellent durable melee DPS and bring some added utility to the table. There's always room for improvement though, and there are still a few sticking points that we'd like to see dealt with as a class, but we're not holding our breath. I'd say that if you're interested in starting again, pick up the new expansion when it comes out next week, buy a 3 month subscription and give it a whirl. I guarantee you'll have fun.
  3. ARCHIVED-DarkTranscendent Guest

    It sounds good, I've been leaning towards atleast giving the game a shot again. I just want to make sure I get this right, if I buy the RoK expansion from the store I get all the expansions in one package? I'll pick it up for sure if thats the case.
  4. ARCHIVED-x0rtrunks Guest

    That is indeed the case.

    direct2drive download version:

    EverQuest II is an “All-In-One” compilation pack including all the features and content from the critically acclaimed base game EverQuest II, all three adventure packs, Splitpaw Saga™, The Bloodline Chronicles™ and The Fallen Dynasty™, and all three previously released expansion packs, Desert of Flames™, Kingdom of Sky™ and Echoes of Faydwer™ plus the new expansion pack Rise of Kunark™.
  5. ARCHIVED-Pnaxx Guest

    Direct2Drive sucks though. If anything goes wrong, they are of no help.