Old player, returning with a Silver F2P account

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Drallidor, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Drallidor New Member

    Hey all. I remember the old days of the original EQ (played that one on an old dial up modem), and then the EQ2 Beta, and then the transition to EQ2. Left about 2 years ago, due to life, and am back again, using the F2P model. Wow, so many changes. LOL But I am wondering, when do Shadowknights get their pets? I remember getting them in the early game from EQ. I had made a SK back when I was an account subscriber, but only got him to level 15 before I had to withdraw.

    Not in a position now to re-up my subscription, and don't have the money for SC. Can't log into my mains, so figured I would play around with the SK a bit. But I would be very grateful for the information. Also, what skills, CA's, and spells can someone use who is on a silver F2P account? What is the highest tier? I know legendary is out (goes with gear, too, sadly). Just wondering what to shoot for.

  2. Meaghan Stormfire Well-Known Member

    They don't. Grave Sacrament was turned into an uber AoE aggro spell.
  3. Estred Well-Known Member

    If you are silver I believe you cannot wear Legendary gear or Fabled+ gear, sell on the broker or use Master level spells. Mastercrafted and Expert (crafted) spells should be available to you. Silver is the highest you can upgrade to without paying a subscription. Luckily for you Leg/Fable can be unlocked for 50 cents an unlocker (they come in bundles) if you really really want a piece of gear.

    SK's do not get a pet that is useful they get a form of squire/follower as a fun spell but he is just for show.
  4. Drallidor New Member

    Wow, so much has changed... LOL Thank you both for the responses. I don't think I am going to worry about unlockers right now. Time to work on the old SK without a pet. :/