Old Player, New Account - Looking for Casual Leveling Guild

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by CommonersCoffeeAndPasta, Oct 12, 2020.

  1. CommonersCoffeeAndPasta New Member

    Hello! I am an old player who is looking to get back into EQ2. Unfortunately, I don't have the gold pass, and I won't be getting it unless I put many more hours into this game. I enjoy playing niche classes, but one of the problems with those is that they are hard to solo level. I was wondering if there were any guilds outside of progression servers that still did leveling for people like me and new players.
  2. Nazy Well-Known Member

    When you say "leveling" do you mean grouping?
    What server are you?
  3. CommonersCoffeeAndPasta New Member

    Yes, sorry. I am not very familiar with the proper terms. I used to play with some friends, but they don't play anymore. We said "leveling," but I think grouping is the right term. I am not on a server yet. I want to find a guild and join that server with a new character. I can get up to level 30 solo, but after that, I want to group up to get to 120.
  4. Nazy Well-Known Member

    Honestly, Maj'Dul or AB probably has better guilds for grouping than Skyfire.
    Casual Concept on Skyfire did do lots of 120 grouping and occasionally when I asked, they would get a group together at my level and we would go to some dungeon. Of course, it took quite a while to get the group together, decide on the zone, and then get there.
    My current guild doesn't do a lot of grouping, but I always have a lonely character that's looking for friends. ;)

    From 30-120, if you have access to the chat channels, use the LFG channel to help get a group together or find a group. Unfortunately, I'm not sure if people do a lot of grouping at lower levels. You will likely have more success grouping on TLE.
  5. CommonersCoffeeAndPasta New Member

    I was thinking about playing on Maj'Dul. My current for fun character is on there and it seems popular. Thank you for the information. I thankfully have the old silver pass, so I think I can use the chat channels? Or is that free? Either way, I can use the LFG function and that might help. Unfortunately, I'm not making much money right now, so I am staying away from the subscriptions, otherwise I would totally join the TLE server. Thank you! I appreciate the response. And if you have a character on Maj'Dul that's lonely, let me know. I'd be happy to get up to your level and group up.
    Nazy likes this.
  6. Nazy Well-Known Member

    The LFG feature is mostly dead. (/LFG) No one uses it. :(
    The LFG chat is very much alive.

    I might end up making a lonely Maj'Dul character now. ;)