ok new question

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by suka, Jun 24, 2013.

  1. suka Well-Known Member

    I have noticed that in some houses my mirrors don't reflect- especially if they are up against an wall i put in. on a regular wall they reflect. I am using a sumac mirrored platform on some tiles i placed to create a subfloor in a prestige house - the secluded sanctuary. it isn't reflecting- it looks like a pool of black. i tried raising it, and nothing. i tried putting a light source near it- still nothing. any suggestions?
  2. suka Well-Known Member

    could it be the type of prestige house? i took one and put it on the floor and it still didn't reflect. funny- when i put one in my dungeon maker dungeon it reflected beautifully
  3. krizet Active Member

    Well, for my avatars, they cannot see in mirrors either. This is black due to the fact that I have several parts of my option settings lowered (video parts, like shadows, water, reflections, etc) These can simply be modified in your Settings, in game, by selecting (usually) Alt+O for the options menu, then rummaging through the visuals there.
    Good luck... If I knew that menu off by heart, I would help further, but I do not. :oops:
  4. suka Well-Known Member

    thanks much- i found that there was a button under options in the advanced called reflections- i turned it on and voila- i could now see them.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Yeah, when you hit the big main Performance button, it actually does control a lot of the more specific areas, such as Personal Torches, Mirror or Water Reflections, etc. I run on Custom, since I usually start with mine just one up from Extreme Performance, but I also want one Personal Torch, Reflections, my Mount to show up, etc. :-/

    I don't even try to bother with Shadows, a lot of Particle Effects (no "splashes" when I'm in water), Flora, etc.; I agree with Cloudrat entirely in that Flora seems to be more trouble than it's worth...you can't find the glowies then! =8-0

  6. suka Well-Known Member

    yes i always turn off flora. and i don't like shadows much. i tend to just run what i need and nothing else unless i am doing screenshots. i have a lot of crashes and my toons like to run off so i usually go with the lowest settings that still give me everything i want
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.