Obtaining the Thick Blanket of Cold Fog (video)

Discussion in 'Norrathian Homeshow' started by Cyliena, Jan 9, 2014.

  1. Cyliena Well-Known Member

    I know this won't help for this year anymore, but I saw this morning that some Homeshowers either didn't know about the Cold Fog item or have trouble jumping the gap (which I do sometimes, too). So I took a brief video of the jump and getting up to the item.

    To see the item you also need to have completed the quest An Exalting Experience at least once and have one of the rewards (like the plushie, cube house pet or corrival's blade) in your inventory.

    Sorry for the sidebars on the video, forgot to toggle EQ2 to full screen before taking it.

    Avahlynn likes this.
  2. Gracey Well-Known Member

    Always wondered where it was - thank you!
    Cyliena likes this.