Obol/EJ's "Ariel Collection" are tricky to be seen.

Discussion in 'General Gameplay Discussion' started by Tyrus Dracofire, Dec 1, 2012.

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  1. Tyrus Dracofire Well-Known Member

    withered forest are the easiest to gather due to day/night cycle.
    Obol is full blown blue-teased sky with some spots that bleed out the colors into pure whiteness, same for EJ zone, some part in red sky region were easy to spot, but most often it not, maybe it has very long respawn timer.
    it has to do with tall trees' canopy blocking the view.
    there are someone who can find them blindly with tracking program cheats that we dont know about, or knew about "static" spots and timers.
    i only find them 1 a day or 2 if i am lucky, some days i find nothing since launched..

    main issue that they are blue/green/white haze, made them hard to spot in Obol, can tell if it was a creatures or a puff-like cotton.
    geez, 20 items each from Obol and EJ, that too many for "Ariel Collections", and Withered Lands are easy to finish because it not that big set.
    more than 20 per set for the sky? i feel 10-12 was reasonable.

    devs, just remember, not everyone can see them, due to various stage of "color-blindness" on specific colors.
  2. Wurm Well-Known Member

    I'm colorblind the blue / green shinies in DoV drove me nuts, the new areas seem not as bad, you just have to fly lower and risk agro.
  3. Bolbir Active Member

    Im not sure its about colours, if you se one you spot them on a very long distance. I think the problem is that there is very few spawn points with a to long repop timer. But what is more anoying is all the flying things that tricks you to think its a shiny ;)
  4. Jalek Active Member

    With the tracking ability in tradeskill prestige, I finally see where the ground shinies were in withered lands, they land on limbs of trees and sides of trunks. They're accessible, but not easy to spot without a tracking wisp. I haven't pursued them in the new zones yet.
  5. JesDyr Well-Known Member

    the contrast issues was pointed out in beta ... Soe didnt change it,

    I was able to complete both EJ and Obol, but it took a long time (obol took longer since only 1 spawns at a time).
  6. Galldora Well-Known Member

    Bringing this semi-old thread back to life because this is the only place I've seen mention of what JesDyr says. Um, whaaaat? There's only one spawn at a time? Like, you mean for the whole zone? Oh my, if this is true, then no wonder I'm having so much trouble with this collection. Not that I want these shinies to spawn in huge quantity...I like a challenge ;)...but this would help to explain why I'm having such abysmal luck finding them. Once again, I've been looking for these almost exclusively for nearly an hour and haven't found one. :eek:
  7. Tyrus Dracofire Well-Known Member

    1 in a sky? whoa, that insane, there hundreds of players in the zone.
    man, SOE is becoming evil instead of being fun.
    these shiney collections from CoE are one of the most slowest set to get finished, and unfathomable overpriced on brokers.
  8. Ladymist Well-Known Member

    Remember great divide shinies? They were much worse. little light black shinies on snow and ice
  9. Jimbolini Member

    Use "Rose Colored Goggles" (Buy off broker)- or infared vision if you have.

    Makes it MUCH easier to spot and collect.

  10. Arcturys Member

    This. Been using this method for years now in zones where shinies are hard to see, especially during the middle of the day when the brightness and the surrounding environment easily hide them. Just be warned. A couple of friends said it made them feel ill when running around for too long with infravision going. I didn't have the problem, but some people do, so just saying.
  11. ColbyJack Well-Known Member

    Knowing that I'm not going blind, or crazy, and that only one aerial spawns at a time is a huge comfort. Even so... why only one? It seems like trying to make something overly rare to the point where I don't realize there ARE aerial collections until I blindly fly into one and wonder why the heck my collection tab opened up on it's own.
  12. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    Um, just to be clear, more than one spawn at a time. You can have ... 6..? up at a time. However, they have extremely long respawn times. So... 6 are up, and someone grabs all 6. Now none are up.

    One respawns, you get it. ...wait... Another respawns,... you get it. And from that point on, as long as they're being aggressively hunted, it will seem like only one can be up a a time.

    But... if you sit back, and wait 15 minutes, all will return. And you'll see 6 up concurrently.

    There is no game limit on the number that can be up at one time.
    But if players are aggressively scooping, there will at any time either be 0, or 1 up at a time in practice....
  13. JesDyr Well-Known Member

    From my experience, this is false. EJ has multiple spawns (I know at least 3 can be up at once) .. but Obol will only ever have 1 up at a time.
    suka likes this.
  14. suka Well-Known Member

    i think you are right about obol. I found plenty elsewhere but haven't found one in obol yet
  15. SOE-MOD-04 Active Member

    Much older topic. Locking this one up. Please remember that you are free to start a new topic if an older one still has something in it that you wish to discuss.
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