Nukers have best DPS

Discussion in 'Swashbuckler' started by ARCHIVED-Cpl-Hicks, Nov 16, 2004.

  1. ARCHIVED-Cpl-Hicks Guest

    Do swashbucklers get any ranged abilities?
    Message Edited by Cpl-Hicks on 11-16-2004 11:33 PM
  2. ARCHIVED-Erasmus Guest

    Yes. Strangling shot at 16 ( which with luck can out dmg anything a sorcerer can do). I got lucky and did 60+60+ 45( normal shot ont eh last one). Thats a nice 160dmg at lvl 16. At the same time my poison went off and did 18+ 16. So add another 36 dmg to that since it all happened at once. I have Gregors Old Bow, does 10-70 dmg for me. Then again, most of the time it does like 15 + 15 + 25ish. I have had another do 45+45+40 or somethign close to that. It counts as 2 bow attacks separate from the normal bow shot so if you use it you basically fire 3 times. It also reduces the enemies power which is nice for long fights.

    You get upgraded versions of this ability as you continue through your career.
  3. ARCHIVED-Valknir Guest

    nuker do not make more damage
    as a lvl 21 Swashbuckler i can tell ya that i more DPS that any other wizard 20-25 lvl
    i hit for 10-15 every 0.5 seconds, specials for 110+ damage and over 250+damage HO and ive got esnare, stun , knockdown and mezz.
    nukers can make 2 powerfull attacks but thenn they have to regen mana , while i keep hitting the mob hard untill it dies
    Swashbucklers and Assasins are the best DPS not Wizards or mages
  4. ARCHIVED-Naggybait Guest

    As a 21 Swashbuckler, I have NEVER seen a 250 point HO. Never, ever. I use ringing blow a lot too. I think my highest has been like 90 or so.
    Message Edited by Naggybait on 11-22-2004 03:49 PM
  5. ARCHIVED-Valknir Guest

    soloing (i rarely solo) make about 150 damage with ringing blow
    group HO are better and damage can reach 300 dmg easily if you are lvl 21+
    i currently use: willow wood hunting blade and Arrell's blade of quickness
  6. ARCHIVED-piraterobot Guest

    Heh, the only HOs that hit for 300+ that I am aware of that doesnt actually slow down your DPS (I have found 1 group that was able to do more than a 2 person HO without taking forver and actually slowing DPS, and that was the Scout-Fighter-Cleric which results in a heal, good HO though) is the warrior/scout one. Its super rare to get though, out of like 50 HOs, we got it twice. The Warrior/Scout HO that is easy to get hits for 200+ though sometimes.
  7. ARCHIVED-Naggybait Guest

    Group HOs don't count. I'm talking about the DPS from the swashbuckler or scout classes, since the person was talking about classes to begin with.

    I use the same 2 weapons and have gotten 150+ hit at 21. I haven't seen what my new max will be at 22.

    So, for class discussion, we don't have 250+ HOs at this level. I've never even seen a 150+ damage HO solo. If you have, tell me your secret so I can start getting them. Will make things so much easier.

    I solo when I can't find groups or guildies not online.
    Message Edited by Naggybait on 11-23-2004 01:21 PM
  8. ARCHIVED-Veldrius Guest

    Well, at level 20 (my current level) there is no way you can do a single HO for 150 or anything like that, however if you group alot with warriors you should be able to do "luck's blade, warriors starter + scout coin skill" which at lvl 19 caps out somewhere around 180 damage. At lvl 15, we managed to get the rare version of "luck's blade" (I have forgotten the name) and we did a 250 damage hit, so well with HO's it's possible to do very high damage attacks, this thread however seems to be directed at damage without any HO's and if that's the case I'd say that nukers outdamage us handsdown. Besides HO's aren't really consistent DPS, sometimes you get a hit for 250, sometimes a hit for 15 so there isn't any reliable damage in that plus it's very easy to break with a heal and such. If we're talking about raw damage then we do some nice damage compared to fighters but we can't compare to nukers, they've gotten rid of the mana problem from EQLive and got abilities which are similar in attack power (slighty more powerful actually) compared to our backstab but on very short reuse timers. On the other hand, they can't smuggle anyone, track or use pathfinding (I don't count disarm since I haven't seen anyone die from a trap in a very long time and if the chest dropped from a high level mob to actually have a dangerous trap, then we won't be able to disarm it =P).

    /Wemic - Wood Elf Swashbuckler
  9. ARCHIVED-Erasmus Guest

    HO effectiveness is based on the level of the mob. the harder stuff you fight, the higher your HO damage will be.
  10. ARCHIVED-Monroe Guest

    Just to get this back on track,
    Nukers, if by that you mean Wizards/Warlocks, are pretty on par with scouts atm. I think it would be pretty silly to assume they wont be superior in the end though as everyone progresses in level, and I think that is at it should be.
  11. ARCHIVED-Enclave Guest

    Thing with Wizards/Warlocks is that they are no longer nukers they are basically damage machines due to the combined efforts of their nukes and their DoTs. I can very much see them over the course of a long battle out damaging any Scout based class. Also the days of them getting 2 spells off and then having to regen are gone, they can chain nuke with little difficulty now.
  12. ARCHIVED-SyGreenblum Guest

    Another thing about comparing DPS is AEs. I've not tried it yet, but I hear that AEs that melees get (assault, circular strike) actually will not break mez. They just don't hit a mezed target. If this is true of a casters AE spells they might actually be useful in this game.
  13. ARCHIVED-OsoGreat Guest

    Yo this is Krunk, Want to clarify a bunch of things up for everyone on here, FIrst off the higest HO i've hit is 196 and thats because off an HO chain off a tank to my back stab, Second you are not outdmging a Mage, you just not goign to do it, they nuke for 250 + every 3 seconds or more if they want to, but they'll get to much aggro than they bargin for if they do that to... Second assassin do some nasty dmg, but if there attacks are not up, some of there most powerful attacks take like 5 mins to recharge i think, and 1 min, which mine take 10 seconds. but you can't even think about out dmg an assasin if there attacks are up, there going to do some major dmg. I didnt start doing alot of dps, or may i say really decent dps until lvl 28 when i got flurry of attacks, that move can put out about 300 plus dmg in all followed by Snap of wrist, puts out another 150 dmg, then your cooking, but your not going to just bam 800 dmg like an assassin would, but flurry and snap of wrist are pretty quick recharge, i think maybe 30 seconds tops, my most powerful single attack is shanghai, and its because i have Master 1 for it. paid 9 gold for it to buddy but its worth it, i've hit 264 dmg with that attack and its a 10 SECOND RECHARGE. which is good but you gotta be sneaked.

    Whoever the lvl 20 swashbuckler was talkign about mezing and all this crap you don't get that to lvl 25 or so.
  14. ARCHIVED-Raiff Guest

    lol This is kinda funny , DPS wize Swashy has a nice flow of DPS we don't Burst DPS like the **ZOMG** class :p nor the Wizzy. We have a good steady amount of DPS and Who ever said there doing HOs solo pre 30 "ringing blow" for 150 needs to really look at whats going on , I'm 34 and i don't thinks i've hit a Solo HO for that ever and trust me i don't have gimped gear . Lucky Bite War/Scout HO i think i've nailed those for about 260ish . Its funny the person who said that Wizzys chain nuke for 250+ every 3 sec or so ya this might be true and as i think he did state that if they would.... they would get agro . Let me add to that , they take hits about as well as a sheet of paper there for they can't NUKE that much or they stand a good chance of being taken down faster then u could "escape" lol and if there dead how much DPS are they producing.... get my point .

    From what i have seen Mages and Scout are DPS and any of the sub classes from those two will give good enuff amout of DPS to get the job done . Lets face it Swashbucklers bring alot to the table good DPS , Grp stealth , Mezz , Stuns & Knockdowns and with our Taunt line of spells we can peel off healers if ever the tank has lost total control of hate , and once you get Lie low (mines at adept1) i can release agro almost 85% of the time if not more . I for one am not disapointed with this class hope you all enjoy it as well ^^
  15. ARCHIVED-Raiff Guest

    lol This is kinda funny , DPS wize Swashy has a nice flow of DPS we don't Burst DPS like the **ZOMG** class :p nor the Wizzy. We have a good steady amount of DPS and Who ever said there doing HOs solo pre 30 "ringing blow" for 150 needs to really look at whats going on , I'm 34 and i don't thinks i've hit a Solo HO for that ever and trust me i don't have gimped gear . Lucky Bite War/Scout HO i think i've nailed those for about 260ish . Its funny the person who said that Wizzys chain nuke for 250+ every 3 sec or so ya this might be true and as i think he did state that if they would.... they would get agro . Let me add to that , they take hits about as well as a sheet of paper there for they can't NUKE that much or they stand a good chance of being taken down faster then u could "escape" lol and if there dead how much DPS are they producing.... get my point .

    From what i have seen Mages and Scout are DPS and any of the sub classes from those two will give good enuff amout of DPS to get the job done . Lets face it Swashbucklers bring alot to the table good DPS , Grp stealth , Mezz , Stuns & Knockdowns and with our Taunt line of spells we can peel off healers if ever the tank has lost total control of hate , and once you get Lie low (mines at adept1) i can release agro almost 85% of the time if not more . I for one am not disapointed with this class hope you all enjoy it as well ^^
  16. ARCHIVED-Raiff Guest

    WooT double post .... Sry about that everyone =(

    Raiff 34 Swashbuckler
    Antonia Bayle