NPC Quest Chat Bubble Green background Missing

Discussion in 'Players Supporting Players' started by Sloke, Nov 22, 2012.

  1. Sloke New Member

    I have had this bug for a while now, but it has recently become an issue with the new Solo Siganture quest for acces in CoE. All of the NPC Siganture quest chat bubbles are missing their backgrounds behind my response options. Now, the common chat bubbles are fine. I do have a custom UI, but it's pieced together. Basically EQ2 Maps with a few bells and whistles. I have scoured my mainhud lines and can find nothing that logically leads me to a missing background for this. Anyone got a helping hand to lend? Much appreciated! Thanks!
  2. Sloke New Member

    Still looking for a little help. Thanks!
  3. Uberfuzzy Member

    I would suggest changing back to the default UI for a bit to see if your install is missing the graphic asset for that background.
    If it does have it, then you have isolated the problem down to your custom UI files. Start adding them back part by part, checking to see when it breaks. Divide and conquer!

    The way UI mods work is by still loading the default UI files, but anything in your custom ui directory gets layered overtop, and overwrites what the soe default is. This is what lets you only need to place a few files in the custom ui folder, and not every single one.

    I would start by checking any of your parts that require images, not just xml files
  4. Ynnek Well-Known Member

    It's a custom UI thing for sure. There were a number of custom UI's and pieces that replaced some background textures, but not the one that eventually got used for HQ quest backgrounds. So you ended up with transparent bubbles for HQ text.

    Fetish and fetish pieces had this problem for a while. (I'm assuming it was fixed)

    As Uber said, you're probably going to need to cycle the UI pieces you've gathered out until you figure out which piece is doing you in, then figure out why.
  5. Sloke New Member

    Yeah, that's what I had figured. I was just hoping it was someting someone else had experience in, just to save me time. I think I am long overdue for a UI cleaning anyway. I will start fresh. Thanks folks!