Now you can betray from illy to inquisitor

Discussion in 'Illusionist' started by ARCHIVED-Daeloq, Aug 18, 2010.

  1. ARCHIVED-Daeloq Guest

    Jealous of your fellow inquisitor parses? Be jealous no longer! You can now betray from an illy to an inquisitor!
    1. Be a qeynos citizen.
    2. Hail the Inquisitor trainer in North Qeynos
    3. Follow the prompts
    4. Welcome to your new dps class!
    BTW, if you are from Halas or Kelethin, you need to betray to Qeynos first. :)
  2. ARCHIVED-Carthrax Guest

    If I was an illy I'd JUMP on this... Inquisitors can out DPS, out buff, and still heal, compared to an illy..
  3. ARCHIVED-Amnerys Guest