No Fix Planned Not able to harvest a node because it's high in a tree...

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Uwkete-of-Crushbone, May 29, 2023.

  1. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    CATEGORY: Mechanics
    SEVERITY: Affects gameplay
    FREQUENCY: Alway Happens
    ZONE: Enchanted Lands
    LOCATION: 580.12, 18.37, -411.75
    TARGET: rhythmic stone

    SUMMARY: This type of bug always happens in Enchanted Lands...

    DESCRIPTION: The "rhythmic stone" harvesting node is stuck up IN a tree, among branches way too high to get to them other than on a flying mount. But there's no place on the tree to land long enough, still enough, to be able to mine it way up there, and trying it from the ground, or even partway up the trunk, isn't close enough.

    Is there any way to "summon" a stuck harvesting node to us so we don't have to do these Dances With Nodes again? If not, there should be. :-/

    Breanna likes this.
  2. Kaitheel Developer

    This is due to the way the older content was designed. The old world harvest objects spawn in a region, not particular points, hand chosen by designers. So, they can spawn anywhere in that region, which does indeed include a lot of trees and branches in the Enchanted Lands.

    What you experienced is one of the reasons we no longer create regions for harvests or quest objects to spawn in. It doesn't realize the geometry as unreachable by the player, so it can randomly allow the object to spawn there. Thankfully, after too long of staying in an unreachable spot it does despawn and try again.

    ~ Kaitheel
  3. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ah! Thanks. :)

    Feara likes this.
  4. Zhevally Well-Known Member

    As another note, if you harvest with a macro after targeting, instead of just by clicking, you actually can harvest while still flying, unless that's been changed. (The command to harvest in a macro is /use).
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  5. Geroblue Well-Known Member

    In The Feerot, I have had to fly iup to the top of a stone arch to get to a node. of course, if my character that finds one doesn't have a flying mount, I just move on.
    Uwkete-of-Crushbone likes this.
  6. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    Ohhhh, may you be correct, sir! :D May they haven't changed that... :)

    Zhevally likes this.
  7. Uwkete-of-Crushbone Well-Known Member

    A flying or leaping mount, yeah; I've done that too, but that presumes there's something solid to land on. :p

    I'll definitely try Zhevally's suggestion. :)

    EDIT: Worked like a charm, Zhev! Thanks! :D
