
Discussion in 'Non-Gameplay Discussion' started by ARCHIVED-Kiara-, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. ARCHIVED-Kiara- Guest

    [p]Nitany asked me to post and let everyone know he's alive and to post the newest picture he's done for you guys to look over.[/p][p] [/p][p][IMG][/p]
  2. ARCHIVED-Zagats Guest

    [p]pretty good! much less Michael Jackson looking![/p]
  3. ARCHIVED-ArivenGemini Guest

    Prolly cause it actually has a nose.. :)
  4. ARCHIVED-HazlenutElf Guest

    [size="x-small; color: #00cc99"][face="comic sans ms,sand"]So why can't he post? How come so many people can't post now? Is ti the new forums giving them troubles?[/face][/size]
  5. ARCHIVED-Kiara- Guest

    I believe his net access at work was restricted.
  6. ARCHIVED-Articulas Guest

    that's happened to a lot of people lately. if that ever happened to me...i think I'd do something bad...
  7. ARCHIVED-Dreadzwench Guest

    [p] I remember several people saying that they can't post now because of the new forums being recognized as a gaming related site at work. That so blows. I mean I like I don't have to log in every day, but other than that I'm not that impressed.[/p][p]Of course after Friday when my account runs out I'm sure I'll miss the new forums.[/p]
  8. ARCHIVED-Kiara- Guest

    [p]you don't have to have an active account for these Wenchie.[/p][p]* points at Nurta and Earend * We're regaining the prodigals.[/p]
  9. ARCHIVED-Dreadzwench Guest

    Sweet. That makes the forums better because of that :)