Next expansion

Discussion in 'Zones and Population' started by ARCHIVED-bks6721, Nov 5, 2009.

  1. ARCHIVED-bks6721 Guest

    Is it true that the majority of 80-90 dungeons are just going to be scaled up versions of the TSO zones that we are all tired of running now?
  2. ARCHIVED-feldon30 Guest

    "Majority" doesn't coincide with anything I've heard. "Some" perhaps.
  3. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    It may be instanced dungeons will be scaled versions of T8 dungeons, however there has been word of a couple new ones as well as a large contested dungeon.
  4. ARCHIVED-Dasein Guest

    From what I understand, SF will be all new content, and in addition, since there is a level cap increase, some dungeons which currently scale by level will be adjusted to scale up to 90.
  5. ARCHIVED-hellfire Guest

    Probably the ones that currently scale would continue to scale.
  6. ARCHIVED-bks6721 Guest

    feldon30 wrote:
    cool, was just hearing rumors and got a little concerned that someone thinks we haven't had enough of tso yet. lol
  7. ARCHIVED-bks6721 Guest

    Bigron@Unrest wrote:
    yeah thats what I'm afraid of. I'm hoping for NEW content. If I wanted to run TSO dungeons I don't even need to buy the expansion. lol
  8. ARCHIVED-timetravelling Guest

    Brand new zones are inc!
    We are indeed looking at scaling the tso zones that already scale up to 90. However, that is completely separate from the big ole number of brand new zones coming with the expansion. And they're rad. I <3 our artists.
  9. ARCHIVED-Saihung23 Guest


    Tubular post Timetravelling!:p
  10. ARCHIVED-Wilderbeast25 Guest

    timetravelling wrote:
    TBH I would like to know more about the solo part of the next xpac. I couldn't care less about a huge number of heroic zones. Most of my time is spent raiding and when I have free time it is usually in small spurts so I don't have time to screw around with getting into a PUG and wiping a hundred times.
    So while I'm sure the art is great and all is SOE spending all their time with a dozen+ new group zones and forgetting solo/duo again?
    Don't get me wrong here though - I appreciate the hard work the artists are doing and I wish I had half the talent they do but i don't want to have to do heroic zones over and over and over to get AA like in TSO. Having tons of solo and tons of group is great, but having tons of group and practically zip for solo/duo makes me sad.
  11. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    There is plenty of Solo/duo content as well and the artists there rock too :p
  12. ARCHIVED-Wilderbeast25 Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    You have just made me a very happy person! /hug Gninja
  13. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    Will there be any solo/duo content that poses a challenge? Or will it remain auto-attack ftw solo content?
  14. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    If you can solo auto attack through kunark solo content then give the heroic zones a try they might pose you a challenge solo.
  15. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    Gninja wrote:
    So your telling me I'll get atleast as much xp soloing heroic mobs than I would have gotten doing solo content right?
    Cause in kunark, soloing heroics was a miniscule amount of xp compaired to the autoattack solo content.
  16. ARCHIVED-Gninja Guest

    We are making sure that players trying to level can choose to quest solo/group or grind solo/group and all will be a viable way of advancing in the expansion. Slaying things tougher than normal should give better than normal reward.
  17. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    Your telling me when you where in your T7.5 Raid gear leaving EoF, you AUTO ATTACK killed the RoK solo content... I call B.S.
    Yes, it can be done NOW, with your T8.5 raid gear, and an expainsions worth of addtional AAs, but not when RoK was new.
  18. ARCHIVED-Yimway Guest

    kela wrote:
    Yes, when I zoned into KP with my EoF raid gear, I autoattacked only and killed any quest update mob there.
    I documented this in the threads about why soloquest sucked when RoK released. I was by no means the only player to document this.
    I could turn on autoattack vs say a drovarg outside kc and it would die and I'd be at 70-80% health.
    I'm pleased Gninja has stated slaying harder stuff will give more reward, cause that hasn't been true since pre-rok, and I'd assumed it was a concious design decision on their part.
  19. ARCHIVED-ke'la Guest

    Atan@Unrest wrote:
    Well then you should be happy in the Hole then from what I hear it will be kinda like the old world open dungons, with solo content at the doorway, followed by small group stuff(something that might start to challange you solo), followed by group, then some epic. or something to that effect.
  20. ARCHIVED-eqaddictedfool Guest

    wonder if things like najenas ring will still drop in a level 90 zone?