Newbie looking for a guild

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by RMC123, Nov 2, 2013.

  1. RMC123 New Member

    Hey everyone. I have a level 43 Mystic on Oasis with a Gold membership plus a couple of low level Alts(?). Problem is I'm interested in joining a guild but every time I use the Guild tab in the game I fail to connect with the recruiter. They'll reply but I never get the invite. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? Maybe I'm on the wrong server to join the guild? I can't seem to figure it out. I'm an adult player and prefer a casual play style. I've gotten this far soloing but I thought it might be fun to meet some new people and broaden the game experience. Any help/direction would be appreciated.
  2. Leeroy 16 year vet. Forum lurker. Altaholic.

    The guilds you see with guild tab are on your server.

    What do they say to you (the guild recruiters, that is)? Do you answer them and say what you are looking for? I am a guild recruiter on AB server and if a potential recruit activates the "click here to talk to the recruiter" button and I say hello then they don't reply I won't pursue it further. Most guilds won't just blindly invite you: they want to know a bit about you. Send them a tell describing your playstyle, play hours, and interests in game. Ask if they help train newer players, and what their guild is all about.
  3. Vynivastus New Member

    Join the Thundercats, a mid level guild with lots of members. located on Guk server with a guildhall and amenities for crafters, we love grouping, leveling, and the occasional raid. We accept all races, ages, and classes. If interested, send Lightningcharge or Vynivastus mail or a tell. Come and joint the fastest growing guild in Norrath!
  4. Fixit Active Member

    Over The Hill guild is for ppl age 25+ and lvl 12+ but we are on Freeport server. We aren't into dealing with the bs or drama other guilds have. We just want to have fun and help others while doing it. Rather it be helping them finish a quest or just put a smile on their face in voice, we seem to /camp with a warm feeling.

    Might be your on the wrong server after all! :p