New wizard help

Discussion in 'Wizard' started by ARCHIVED-Dena, Dec 31, 2008.

  1. ARCHIVED-Dena Guest

    I just came over to this game from EQ1 and WOW, completely new to the game and I am afraid I have been dumbed down by wow, I read the sticky about the master 2 choices but seeing how old that post is has anything changed since they added aa's?
    Second question would it be better to start on sorc aa's or wiz aa's? I will most likely be soloing a lot so unsure what would be best.
    Final question, what should be spell upgrade priority per tier? I plan on going Sage for my proffesion but I assume that the components for the high version of the spells will be rare... played a SK up to 20 so far but prefer caster so switching to wiz.
    Before anyone says it, I did use search function but keywords I used produced results from 06 or earlier and game changes in that amount of time so I dont know if that is still useful info.
    Thank you in advance for any help!
  2. ARCHIVED-Kezzik Guest

    I started a Wizard and he has just reache 29. I went Stamina line first for the Manashield as I solo mostly. Master 2 choices I picked the biggest Nuke or a buff. I also looked at the levels and chose one that was newer and not like 3 levels old.
    For soloing I mainly use my root and Plasma burst-fire chamber-ball of fire. I root or do Fire Chamber-start heroic opportunity and plasma burst, Ball of Fire, root.
    Root is my first upgrade as I want the mobs to stay away from my squishyness. Then my big nukes.
    I'm enjoying the class and hope you do too. Hopefully someone more skilled in Wizardry will add/correct anything I have said.
  3. ARCHIVED-kittenboy8 Guest

    Dena wrote:
    On tough mobs keep it rooted and try not to use DoT's (damage over time spells) but on easier mobs you can just nuke away till its dead. That works in the lower teirs but when you get higher it doesnt work so well