New to Everquest

Discussion in 'Tips, Tricks, FAQs, and New Player Discussion' started by meteorstorm, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. meteorstorm New Member

    Hi all,
    I am very new to EQ and I am loving every minute of it! I just got to level 20 on my fury priest. I am not sure why I even passed this game up for WoW all these years o_O! I do have some questions...are there any links to help out with speccing your character while leveling? Also, how do you stop all the clutter on your UI from all the spells you need. I had some addons with WoW but this game is a bit more complex than that. Just as a side...I love the community here much better than the "other guys". I feel I will be here a long time :D
  2. Rotherian Well-Known Member

    1) There aren't any official links to recommended specs. You can, however, do one of two things: a) Find out which guild on your server is considered the top guild, then take a look at a max level member of your class from that guild by looking up that character at eq2u (note: I am not advocating copying that characters spec - just looking at it and trying to critically analyze why the player made those choices); or b) go to The Site That Should Not Be Named and wade through all the trolling and drama llamas to find an actual spec.

    2) You can right click on and existing hotbar and open a new one (with a maximum of 10 hotbars). Just because you get a spell doesn't necessarily mean that you will use it. (This will be almost entirely based upon your playstyle.) Additionally, if you find yourself always doing a specific action when you do another, it is possible to make a macro. For example, if you have a pet and you are always forgetting to send the pet in to attack when you cast combat spells, you can have one line of the macro be /pet_attack and the next be cast <spell>. Likewise, you can have your pet back off when you need to decrease your hate generation (because if the pet dies, the hate is transferred to the pet's owner - i.e. you) while casting heals or buffs. Additionally, you can combine a spell that has an instant cast time with one of longer duration (which can reduce the number of hotbar spaces needed - if only by a few).
  3. Natsume Member

    Welcome to EQ2! I think Rotherian has mentioned pretty much everything. I personally follow step 1 since I am not a very good person when it comes to planning specs. What server did you register on?
  4. meteorstorm New Member

    Thanks for the reply Rotherian! Those suggestions help a bit except I do not care for wading through tons of pre-teen showoffs and their stupid banter. I also read up on macros in this game and will be trying that out soon. Found out that priests really need the Heroic moments and have been using that as much as possible while in combat, so I will be creating a macro that will help with that. The que system for spells is awesome, something "the other guys" should have done but prolly never will.
    @Natsume: I am on the Permafrost server.
  5. Estred Well-Known Member

    Only thing I would add is find players on your server who are high-end preferably active raiders. They tend to have better understandings of specs. Many are helpful and are willing to discuss AA options with you. Many MMO's have aspects that are very attractive and others that are not. I do not know of 1 MMO yet that combines at least 3 aspects that I enjoy about MMO's.

    Those are and games they are from are listed below.

    WoW: Instance-Matching System (Cross Server).
    EQ2: In-depth lore witch even side-quest series that make sense or seem relevant beyond "I want X sample of Y. Thanks"
    Tera Rising: Dynamic Combat (You jump backwards you dodge, period to hit you actually have to visually connect).
    Runescape: "The Wilderness", regions of the game area on PvE Servers where players may experience Open World PvP (limited). The best contested/harvestable are found here on the Free-to-Play worlds in Runescape.

    Now, would combining those be actually good? I do not know, but EQ2 offers a great many hours of enjoyment especially to those who are just coming to the game. Hehe guess I kinda blathered on there a bit about MMO's in general :oops: nonetheless welcome to EQ2! :D
  6. meteorstorm New Member

    One of the reasons I left WoW was the CSZ's (Cross-Server Zones). It inundated areas with too many people to where completing simple quests took sometimes an hour or even resorted to me logging off for awhile. Also the competition for resources was so bad that leveling them was next to impossible. There were other reasons (changing profession quest requirements on every expak, and the biggie...PandaLand!) that will keep me from playing. Finding EQ2 was great and it is a very fun game! As a FTP player, there is more content and things to do than any other MMO on the market.:cool:
  7. Estred Well-Known Member

    Eh see I would have liked the instances, like The instance System in EQ2. With a proper server-matching system would make finding groups much easier than LFG in channels. It is true there are well over 3000 quests to do as a F2P at least 400 in Kunark (one of my favorite expansions right along with Sentinels Fate).

    I had to quit WoW at about level 27 because I just grew tired of it, and all the friends I had form RL who played quit lol.