New to EQ2 and Berserker

Discussion in 'Fighters' started by Wreign, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. Wreign New Member

    Hey guys new EQ2 player here. Trying it out after about 4 years of wow.

    Level 20 Berserker currently and wondering if I need to spec for dps or survivability while leveling. Not similar to wow where you have cookie cutter builds and a lot of information sites. So I'm having trouble finding good information on where to spend my aa while I level.

    Any help would be appreciated, thanks.
  2. The Jones Active Member

    Sony created recommended builds fairly recently that you can select in the AA window. I'd start there. It you can get a merc i'd do it. A healer merc is a good choice for a tank. Specifically i'd get stamper from the freeport merc den as he will buff your melee skills, which is much needed while leveling.

    In late game in this expansion it's fairly cookie cutter, but I would be doing you a disservice to link you sample specs while you're leveling up, as it totally doesn't apply to leveling.
  3. Wreign New Member

    I tried the sony recommended but I guess I need to buy the newest expansion to get dragon unlocked. It recommends points spending in the locked window. I went from f2p to gold but not tov yet.

    That seems like an easy fix, just buy expansion.

    How about race? I'm currently barbarian but read ogre for tanking is good.

    Also tradeskill? Doing armored now but there may be a better one for class/race setup.

    I'm only like 2 days into my toon so if there's a better race/tradeskill for zerc I'd like to change it now before a lot of time spent. Thanks.
  4. Genghes Active Member

    Your race choice doesn't really matter much in eq2. For tanking mechanics you really won't gain anything base on your race
  5. Wreign New Member

    Ok cool. Won't worry too much on it. I'll just get expansion, buy merc and grind levels out.

    How about loyalty tokens? Buy bag of plat or save for later level purchases?
  6. guard Active Member

    only things that are really worth it are the plat bags. but you could get the orb of concentrated memory's (I think it is called) that will give you full vitality how often you can use it depends on how much reuse you have
  7. Treiko Active Member

    wrong.. it is 7 day reuse, recast does not affect it.
  8. orstander New Member

    There is 1 rly rly fun thing about berserker... When u are lvl 21, u get self buff named "Blood rage" when u get it to master u got over 50% chance to recieve about 5% healt back after every single physical hit done to you.. And if u run something like dungeonmaker xp farms, mobs do under 2% damage to you per hit, u just heal yourself all the time whit blood rage:D u can take whole dungeon and hold hudreds of mobs around u and check fb when your mercy kills them (if u dont care to kill them first). So that kind of soloing is very easy as high lvl berserker:D
  9. Regolas Well-Known Member

    Go the dps spec while leveling, with stat inflation since release you should be fine to survive in that and you'll kill things quicker.

    You want dps mod as high as possible, with crit chance if you can get it (rare below 80+) to give you a chance of doubling your damage on a critical attack.

    If you find you're getting hit hard, take a look at your mitigation value. The higher that is, the smaller the hits you take.
  10. guard Active Member

    @treiko nope your wrong it is affected by ability reuse with 92% reuse I can reuse the orb every 3days and 16hours